Chapter Thirty-Three - Saving The Prince

Start from the beginning

"He's lying," A voice irrupted. I opened my eyes and saw Fuuto walking towards us.

"Welcome home, Fuuto." I yawned again and sat from the couch.

"I found her asleep in the living room twenty minutes ago. Ten minutes later, you returned from your supplementary lessons didn't you Yusuke?" Fuuto smirked.

"T-That's not true!" Yusuke exclaimed.

"Don't worry, it's not entirely your fault. It's also your fault for sleeping on the couch, Nee-san." Fuuto said. "I wonder if you did it on purpose, though I understand if you want everyone to see your sleeping face. You looked cute when you're asleep, so much that Yusuke tried to attack you in your sleep."

"Take that back!" Yusuke marched towards Fuuto and immediately grabbed him by the collar.

"Oh? What're you taking this so seriously for?" Fuuto smirked. "Could it be that I was right?"

"Stop it both of you!" I pulled them apart to stop them before they could hurt each other.

"Talk about noisy," I heard Tsubaki Nii-chan's voice irrupt. "Do me a favour and quite down, will you?"

"But Tsuba-nii, this bastard..."

"I just returned from Osaka and all I want to do now is to have a peaceful sleep. If you're going to keep up the racket, take it outside." Tsubaki Nii-chan said.

"Tsk," Fuuto grumbled while Yusuke faced me.

"What Fuuto said earlier was all a lie, all right?" He assured. "I didn't do anything,"

"I know, I know what kind of person you are Yusuke." I smiled.

"This is the problem with idiots who can't even take a joke," Fuuto snarled. "But I guess she trusts you more than I would've thought,"

"What was that?!" Yusuke shouted as Fuuto started walking away.

"Don't pay attention to every little thing he says," Tsubaki Nii-chan said. "Sheesh, how does a twisted guy like him make it big on TV? I don't get it at all,"

"Do you want to know why?" Fuuto stopped on his tracks. "It's because I play whatever role they want me to play. I'm committed on a whole other level, unlike a certain seiyuu who can't even act properly."

"Fuuto!" I scolded.

"Later," He sneered and walked away.

After Fuuto is gone, Tsubaki Nii-chan suddenly punches Yusuke's head in silence, "Why are you taking it out on me?! It's not my fault!"

"Welcome home, Neko-chan! See you later," Tsubaki Nii-chan greeted with his back turned on me.

'That was weird,'

"Yusuke," I called his attention. "Did something happened while I was gone?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"It's just that, something feels different in here. It's like something has changed while I was gone," I uttered.

"Well..." Yusuke hesitated.

- - - - - THREE DAYS LATER - - - - -

After the incident three days ago. Yusuke has explained to me that while I was gone for a month, some of the brothers may have revealed their feelings to Nee-chan and some may have gotten into a fight with each other.

*Ring, ring*

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Hello, Lisa. Sorry to spring this up to you, but could you pick Iori today? He is taking the entrance exam to Jouchi University today and I was planning to go, but I've got an urgent issue to take care of." Ukyo Nii-chan said.

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