Chapter 11

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Dedicated to: DUNDUNDAHYUN

Pov suga

I woke up in the hotel room after a crazy night, because it really was a crazy night, for a moment I forgot everything that happened, Kook's accident, Rosé... Shit! I forgot about Rosé, I don't know where she stayed, if she ate something, if she slept well, lately she hasn't felt well and tried never to neglect her, but out of anger she made me forget about her completely, you're an idiot Min Yoon Gi, you forgot about your fiancée and that I will never forgive myself. As I thought about the thousand and one things that could happen to Chae for leaving her alone, Da Hyun came in with her clothes to go to work and a suit for me:

Dubu: Good morning sleepyhead...

Suga: Good morning... is that suit for me?...

Dubu: No, it's for the wall... obviously it's for you silly...

Suga: Thanks... I have to run...

Dubu: Why?...

Suga: For Rosé... I'm very worried about her, I left her alone in the hospi-

Dubu: Don't worry, I already talked to her and she told me that everything is fine, she returned to her house last night and today she will take Mr. Jeon to his house...

Suga: Didn't you tell her... that ... you and me...?...

Dubu: Of course not... I just told her that you went to the office to do something important and that you would see her later...

Suga: I owe you a Da Hyun and a big one for saving my live...

Dubu: You and I know that Rosé is not upset, she is not like that... besides, she was taking care of Mr. Jeon, she couldn't be more busy...

Suga: I know... she was with him...

Dubu: Are you still jealous that them are together?...

Suga: I'm not sure about anything anymore... I love Rosé, I really love her... but... I love you too...

Dubu: Do you love me?...

Suga: Yes... as we got to know each other, I fell in love with you, but I didn't want to accept it because I was with Rosé, that's why I engaged with her, to forget how I felt about you, but it was impossible and last night... I realized two things... # 1: That Rosé is going to marry me and is only out of pity and...

Dubu: And?...

Suga: That... I love you Kim Dubu...

Dubu: I love you too Min Suga...

Dubu: I love you too Min Suga

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