Chapter 6

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Dedicate to: LeslyBereniceLopezQu

Pov Rosé

Since I am Suga's girlfriend, my life is not like before, I don't know, privacy is gone, now he is glued to me all day, he is always in my apartment, he hugs me all day, I don't know what to do sincerely, maybe you will say that he is very loving, but sometimes his love is suffocating, I think that if he could, he would accompany me to the bathroom all the time. Now I am in my apartment preparing everything for the business trip that we will have in New York, although Suga knows that it wasn't necessary to take me, he wants to do it, according to him, on this trip we will have "our special night" that scares me too much, but he tells me to investigate, to relax and that he will be very tender with me... Speaking of the King of Rome, someone have just knocked on my door and I am 100% sure that it is him:

Rosé: Hello my love... now I cannot receive you, since we leave in 1 hour, I am very busy and... Mr. Jeon?...

This is incredible, what is he doing here? I didn't even know that he knows my address, what does he want now?:

Kookie: Can I come in?...

Rosé: Yes... do you want something to drink? Coffee, soda, water, whatever?...

Kookie: No, thanks... nice house, but I think that to be the girlfriend of an important businessman like Suga, you should live in a better and luxurious place...

Rosé: How do you know I'm a girlfriend of Mr. Min?

Kookie: The good news travels fast... also, Suga's behavior with you, hugging you, kissing you, holding your hand in all meetings, your necklace... those are just some reasons why I realized...

Rosé: Well I also found out that you and Da Hyun are dating, congratulations...

Kookie: You know perfectly well that I didn't want this, I only love you...

Rosé: And I love you too, but after all I suffered because of you, now ours is impossible, now I already have someone by my side whom I love and appreciate very much... and you too will learn to love your couple like I do with mine...

Kookie: What if... I only use her to forget you?... Well... this would be the second time I use her to forget you...

Rosé: What are you talking about?...

Kookie: I... I slept with Da Hyun when you were in Daegu with Suga...

Rosé: Even when you knew how I felt about you?...

Kookie: I didn't know... I thought that only I had feelings for you... now I know...

Rosé: Well you know... now... leave my house because Suga will arrive at any moment and I don't want any problems...

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