Chapter 8

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Dedicated to: bymystilesstilinsky

Pov Rosé

I woke up with only a sheet covering my whole body and suddenly the urge to touch certain parts of my body, my chest, my neck, my hands, my lips ... all the parts of my body have the sweet touch of Jung Kook, last night was the best night of my life, I made love with the man I love, not even with Suga I have felt what I felt last night, just remembering everything, makes my heart beat faster than normal, I felt In the glory. While remembering everything that happened last night, I see how Jung Kook comes out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist:

Kookie: Good morning my beautiful Rosie...

Rosé: Good morning my dear Kookie... Last night I forgot to thank you...

Kookie: Thank me?... Why?...

Rosé: For opening up with me and telling me your story... there were times when I judged you very badly... but... after what you told me last night... I really regret it...

Kookie: Believe me, I understand you... I would have done the same... now, go take a bath before I can't resist the temptation and make you mine again...

Rosé: Calm down, tiger... I'm going... I love you...

Kookie: And I love you...

I don't know if it's right or wrong that I did with Jung Kook last night, but I'm sure of one thing, that if I could, I'd repeat last night to get back to feeling what I feel now. It was 11 a.m. and the 4 of us were in a very important meeting, to close a deal with very important tennis entrepreneurs, after that deal, we can go to Korea without a problem, but I honestly don't want to leave, because I will have to accept the painful reality, I will have to living apart from Kookie, which I don't want to, but as Suga's girlfriend I have to, we left the meeting and we were already going to the hotel to pack our things, until Suga took her hand and said:

Suga: The jet will come for you... I want to hang out with Chae here before we go...

Kookie: Um... Okay... enjoy your couple time...

Suga: Thanks Kook, let's go my princess...

I see how Da Hyun and Kookie walk away, she was talking to him and he just looked at me very sad, without just me who was by his side at this moment.

Suga took me to many places, more places than he took me yesterday, he bought me many places and if I tried to refuse, he told me not to do it with a very soft and tender voice and as we walked through Central Park, I thought about the battle that Kookie and Suga were carrying for me, their friendship was already hurt enough and I don't want him to continue like this, I love Kookie, after all he suffered, I don't want him to suffer anymore:

Rosé: My love... I was thinking... why don't you and Jung put an end... I mean, Mr. Jeon to this "war" they have for me? Anyway, you already won, in a way... I'm your girlfriend...

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