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It felt like forever before the doctor came.

I sat straight as soon as I heard the click of the door handle.

"Goodmorning, Shouto." An older man walked in, closing the door behind him.

"Goodmorning..." I said back.

He looked through his clipboard.

"So you're not feeling well, eh?"

"Yeah.." I nodded, feeling shy.

"Let's get that checked out then, shall we?"  He put his stethoscope in his ears, slid his hand up my shirt, then held the cold, metal circle on my chest. 

"Breathe in.." I took a slow breath in.

"Breathe out." I blew out.

He moved his hand around.

"Again." I did the same as before.

I breathed in and out a couple more times before he pulled away.

"Everything seems to be fine there." He wrote it down before pulling out some sort of light.  He put it in my right ear, checking inside.

"Hm.. seems fine in here.."

He moved on to the left ear.

"Everything's fine here as well.."

He wrote down everything again, then leaned against the counter and crossed his arms, looking at me.


I looked down, feeling a bit uncomfortable now.

"You're an omega, yes?" He asked.  I was a bit shocked by the question, but nodded nonetheless.

"Yes I am.."

"Do you take suppressants or some sort of medication?"

"I uh.. take suppressants.."

"I see.  Don't use them anymore.  That might be the cause of why you're feeling like this."

"I don't take it often though.."

"Even so, they still might be affecting you."

"What about my weight..? I don't eat unhealthy food.. so why am I gaining so much?" I fidgeted with my fingers, looking at the doctor.

"Ah.. the nurse was a little concerned about it.  I was debating on whether I should run a few blood tests, or an ultrasound."

"Why an ultrasound?" I tilted my head, a bit curious now.

"Well to check if there's anything wrong with what's inside.  Ultrasounds aren't just used for finding babies, you know." He chuckled and picked up his clipboard. 

"I think I'll start with the ultrasound, and if I don't find anything I'll take some of your blood and run a few tests.  Lie down for me, will you?"

I lied down slowly, my arms crossed over my stomach.  I stared at the ceiling, listening to the doctor rummage through some things. 

He turned on what looked like a television.

"Could you lift your shirt? I'll apply some gel for you.  It'll be cold at first."

I lifted my shirt up.  He applied the extremely cold gel onto my stomach and rubbed it around.

I flinched at the touch.

He grabbed something that looked like a scanner at a grocery store and put it on my stomach, beginning to move it around. 

The whole time, his eyes were glued to the screen. 

He stopped right in the middle of my stomach and let out a small chuckle.

"Well well, it seems you've got a little friend in there." He pointed to the screen.

I turned my head to look, my eyes widening at the sight.

"That's..." My eyes watered. I was unable to look away.

"It's a baby!" The doctor clapped.

"That's the reason you've been gaining weight.  This must be a big shock to you.  A bit disappointing the father isn't here with you! Call him up and tell him the news!" The doctor was too cheerful.

Tears streamed down my face.

"The.. father isn't around." That was all I could manage to choke out. 

This must've been the gift Katsuki was talking about. 

I'm not sure how to feel.  Everything is so jumbled in my mind. 

"That's unfortunate... Although it's not uncommon that the father leaves-"

"He- He didn't leave!!" I snapped and sat up, suddenly breaking down into a fit of tears.

"H-He's dead.. the father is dead.." I cried into my hands, a million thoughts running through my mind.

"I see.. my apologies, Shouto." He patted my back, trying to comfort me.

I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.

But what even is home..?

I'm really feeding you guys with chapters today, lolol. Enjoy.

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