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The past week has been interesting. I have been with Damien for almost 3 years, and I've known him for close to four. We met almost right after I moved to the city. But, since he has been gone I have gotten a lot done and done a lot of thinking. Not only thinking about Damien and Ace, but about my life now- where I want to go from here. 

I decided to keep the house, and also keep my studio in the city. However, I knew I couldn't afford to keep them both so I have begun the process of setting my house up on Airbnb and places similar to help pay for everything and to have some extra income. 

I decided on the name Posiden for the puppy, not only due to his personality but also because he has the most striking blue eyes. 

I don't think that Damien and I broke up, he certainly hasn't broke up with me, but I don't know if I want to continue this relationship yet. I think we need a break, which is why I called him and asked him to meet me at my coffee shop this morning. 

I finished my morning run with Posiden and quickly got ready to have my nerves attack me for the hour drive. 

I got to the cafe about an hour before I was supposed to in order to do the necessary paperwork and inventory. I was happy to see that my staff had picked up the slack in my absence and didn't need me here as often. Which, I was slightly upset about but also glad that I had great staff. 

I gave almost everyone the rest of the day off, but one employee was insistant on staying with me so I complied. I told her to take a break though, so I continued to take orders and manage the drink making. We were slow right now so it wasn't an insurmountable task. 

I heard the bell chime so I turned from where I was making myself a drink to welcome them in. 

"Hello and-" I stopped it was Damien. 

I looked at my watch and saw that he was in fact 15 minutes late from when we said we would meet.

"Sorry for my tardiness. Can we meet now?" 

"I shook my head. I have to wait for my employee to get back then I will come over."

"Can I at least get something to drink? I'll pay of course."

I rolled my eyes. "You know that is not necessary."

"And you know I'll give you the money no matter what, so why don't you just spare us the trouble and take it now, hm?" He rose an eyeborw and gave me his signature smirk which made me even more annoyed at him. 

"What do you want?" 

"Whatever you normally make me love." 

"Do you even know what I make you?" 

"Yes, you make me and-" 

I held up my hand. "I'm going to stop you right there. No sexual jokes. You know I hate those."

He chuckled. "My apologies love. And no, I don't know what you normally make me. I just know that I love it."

I rolled my eyes again and turned to start making his drink. 

When I turned again to put his drink on the bar he was right in front of me, startling me which also made me almost drop his coffee.

"You need to get out from back here. Only employees allowed. Go sit at a table and I'll be right there." 

"Fine." He took his drink and sat at a table in the corner.

Soon after Amelia came back from break, and I let her take over so I could talk to Damien.

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