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She was running. That's all she could do. The people of the Ark didn't know she snuck onto the drop ship that brought the hundred to Earth. So, as soon as the ship touched ground and the door was open, she didn't have time to take in the breathtaking scenery of Earth. All she could do was run.

At first, it was easy. She followed Clarke Griffin, Finn Collins, Monty Green, Jasper Jordan, and Octavia Blake as they trekked to find Mount Weather. Then, the danger set in. She shrunk back in fear as she watched a spear strike Jasper directly in the chest. While the others ran in the opposite direction, she stayed and watched as the grounders dragged Jasper away.

Now armed with the knowledge that they were not alone, she was extra careful. No one ever found her; she always hid in caves or up in the trees. She would come close to the base that the hundred set up, watching over all of them. Especially Monty and Jasper, the only two who she could consider friends.

She kept a close eye on John Murphy, ready to jump in and fight if he attempted to kill Jasper after he was brought back to camp. Then, Jasper was miraculously okay again after getting help from Clarke. She wanted to thank her, but she was scared of being recognized. She wasn't like these criminals, she was in hiding long before the plan to send the hundred down to Earth even came to mind.

The day that Raven Reyes came to Earth in the 135-year-old drop ship was a day that she would never forget. Bellamy Blake looked directly at her as he cut the radio out and trashed it. His brown eyes narrowed at her, and she could feel her heart pound against her chest. Neither spoke a word to the other, and she ran in the opposite direction.

Whether Bellamy told anyone who he had seen, she would not know for a while. The next of the hundred she would come to meet was Bellamy's sister Octavia, the girl that was raised under the floor. Because she knew she could fit under the floor, that was how she managed to stay in hiding for so long. The guards never thought to check under the floor -- even after finding out there was an extra person living on the Ark.

Along with meeting Octavia, she came to meet a grounder by the name of Lincoln. She was fearful at first that he might hurt her, but he gained her trust quickly. Octavia offered to bring her back to the base camp, but she quickly denied. Octavia would never understand her type of fear, Octavia never had to fear like she did.

Octavia had the ability to walk around her own quarters. She, on the other hand, had to make quick visits to various quarters, staying hidden in the shadows and avoiding the many cameras kept on the Ark. After months of hiding, she became quite skilled at the art. But now the people of the Ark were coming down to Earth to bring the hundred help, and there would be no hiding from them now.

Then after Bellamy removed the radio from Raven's drop ship, they had no means of communication with the Ark -- not until Raven built a communication system. The majority of the hundred had taken their wristbands off, of course, per Bellamy's encouragement, but now the Ark knew that the majority of the hundred were not dead. Not only was Bellamy in danger of getting caught for his crime, but so was she.

She knew secrets that could get various people floated, and she knew things that could prove various people's innocence. She was the kind of person they called a chameleon -- she blended in with her surroundings without being noticed. But now as she ran, she was out in the open. Some lingering grounders had spotted her, and she was forced to run through the dense forest while they continued to shoot at her.

She had suffered a few shots to her leg, so she had a limp in her sprint. She thought that all the grounders were killed the day the hundred set the rocket off, and that was during the huge battle between the grounders and the hundred. She saw the entire thing from the tree tops. Then she saw the creatures in the strange suits take everyone that was left in the rocket. She wasn't sure where those people went.

The Girl With No Name // the 100 Wattys 2018!!Where stories live. Discover now