[ Akashi ] I love you?

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"(F/N)?" You heard a deep voice behind you, before you could turn, you felt a firm grip on your right wrist. "Hello?" You turned, seeing the bright well-cut red hair and bright yellow and red eyes.

"Shit..." You muttered under your breath. He was the last person you wanted to see right now in your horrible mood today. You attempted to jerk your hand out of his grasp, but that only caused his grip to tighten.

"What is wrong? Do you mind telling me?" Akashi asked, his eyebrows furrowed. You didn't reply, you just kept trying to escape. Knowing Akashi, it angered him. In one tug, he pulled you closer to him, causing you to lose balance into his arms.

"Hey!" You screamed, your head hitting his hard chest. "Oomph!" He wrapped his hand around your other wrist, stopping you from falling any further. "Get off me!" You shouted, trying to push him away with your locked arms. Although Akashi wouldn't let you go, instead he let go of your one wrist, and turned, dragging you along. "Where are you taking me?" You inquired, using a cold and sharp tone with him. Still Akashi did not answer, he only kept walking through the hall. Classmates moved out of the way, creating a path for you two. You were embarrassed, everyone stared at you as you tried resisting Akashi. As you two moved into a more isolated and quiet hallway, you decided to drop to your knees, causing Akashi to stop walking.

"What do you think you are doing?" Akashi turned, his voice quite harsh. You had never seen him use this tone with you, if anything it made your chest tighten and you began to feel tense. You just sat there in silence, staring down at the floor. "This is unnecessary." Akashi said, filling the void of silence. And before you knew it, he dropped your arm, turning his back to you. You looked up in shock, Akashi was suddenly getting smaller... And blurry.


"Reo-!" You wailed sobbing onto your senpai's shoulders. "H-he just left me..." You sniffled, tugging his Rakuzan sleeve quite tight. Mibuchi just listened, stroking your hair.

"I was so upset because... Because I would constantly say I love you to him and get nothing in return-!" You cried even more, as you reached for another tissue, you realized you used them all.

"(F/N) dear... So this all started because you feel as though Akashi doesn't love you because he won't say it?" Mibuchi asked in a soothing voice, continuing to stroke your hair. You glance up at him for a second, slowly nodding. "You know, just because he doesn't say it, doesn't mean he doesn't love you. I'm sure he does, besides... Isn't it a special day today?" Mibuchi explained, then gently pulled me off his shoulder. "Do you understand what I was saying sweetheart?" He gives a soft smile, wiping a tear that was on your cheek. Surprisingly, you did understand. But it wouldn't matter, Akashi must be furious with you.

"I do... But S-Seijuro must be angry and..." Your voice fades.

"Sei-chan isn't angry with you, I just know. Here, lets go to the gym to shoot some hoops, you know... Get your mind off of it." Mibuchi helped you up, linking arms with you as you two head to the gym...



"S-Seijuro..." You were speechless. Balloons and roses were scattered perfectly everywhere. Basketball players dressed in tuxes holding out a rose each, handing them to you as you walked on the red carpet, passing them. One by one, the amount of roses began to grow, and as you were near the end, there stood... Your beloved Akashi Seijuro.

"(F/N)... Happy sixth month anniversary." Akashi smiled, reaching his hand out for you to grab. You accept, holding it tight. You scanned Akashi quickly, and damn... He looked good in a tux the black brought out his eyes, especially his left eye. "Follow me." He led you upstairs onto the rooftop, there was a table with candles and rose petals on it, and two chairs perfectly cushioned for the two of you. You guys walked closer and Akashi grabbed the roses from your hands nicely, placing them in the vase on the table. "Please, take a seat." He pulled the chair out for you, pushing it closer to the table when you sat down. He then, took his seat on the other side.

"This is amazing, Seijuro." You admired the view from the top. "It is breath-taking up here..." You were about to add more compliments, but basketball players dressed in tuxes began to come up one by one, bringing platters of food. You giggled, seeing Hayama and Nebuya in a tux, pulling at the collar. Akashi and you ate, commenting on the view, and how silly And clumsy Hayama was. As you finished your last bite of caviar, Mibuchi came up in a tux, clearing the table from dirty plates. Before he left, he winked at you and headed downstairs.

"Oh, (F/N)... Now can you please explain to me why you were acting the way you were in the morning?" Akashi asked, taking a sip of water from his glass. His gaze was on you and you could feel his eyes piercing yours. You begin to feel bad, you were upset for such a stupid reason... Truly pathetic.

"Nothing... I just... Woke up on the wrong side of the bed." You reply, as Akashi got up to lift you off the chair as well.

"I see... Not because of something else?" His hand cupped your cheek. You shook your head as Akashi began to get closer. Your eyes were locked with his, and your noses were touching. You were nervous, you couldn't stop your hands from shaking. In a swift movement, Akashi got closer, pressing his lips on yours. You could feel his tongue exploring your mouth, and sooner or later, you were gasping for air. You parted lips, you could feel Akashi's warm breaths on your skin as you two parted. You wrapped your arms around his neck, linking them behind his neck. His left hand was on your waist and his other hand was lifting a strand of your hair off your face. Your face was flushed, bright red. Akashi's face was red too, but not as bright. He remained his calm composure as he slowly moved closer to your face. Instead his mouth was close to your ear. You could hear his small pants on your ear from kissing you.

"Urm..." You stood there, stiff... Waiting for Akashi to make his next move. As he whispered in your ear, your eyes widened.

"(F/N), I love you too." He backed away, a smile pasted on his face, but not as big as the grin on your face. He reached for your hand, and led you downstairs into the limo waiting at the front. You two weren't done celebrating your anniversary just yet...

KNB: One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz