Hawk: "Nicely done Spring. Hey Pyrrha, you made it on time."

The two came to a stop in front of the door, Pyrrha rubbing her arm while looking at the three with a confused stare.

Pyrrha: "On time? For what?"

Hawk smirked and pushed open the door, causing Pyrrha to gasp in amazement. The training room was usually stocked full of training dummies, spare weapons for practice, as well as a shooting range.

However, there weren't any metal objects in the room, but instead had bouncy rubber walls, turning the room into a giant bouncy castle. Team RWBY were already bouncing around the room, playing an intense game of dodgeball.

Hawk: "Surprised? You've been having so much trouble with your semblance lately. So, we thought you'd appreciate a day where you couldn't affect anything metallic."

Pyrrha: "I don't know what to say. Thank you everyone, this-"

Ruby: "Heads up!"

The five gasped when they saw a stray dodgeball flying towards them. They quickly leaned out of the way, however Jaune wasn't so lucky as the ball collided into his face and knocked him flat on his back.

Jaune: "Why...?"

The remaining members of JNPR had just arrived, Nora giggling at Jaune while Ren let out a sad sigh.

Ruby: "Sorry Jaune! You ok?"

Pyrrha picked up the ball, giving a sly smile as she glanced at Ruby. Ruby waved her hands in front of her, shaking her head but to no avail. Pyrrha threw the ball at Ruby, striking her in the stomach causing her to bounce backwards.

Ruby: "This means WAR!!!"

A New Evil Scheme

Roman and Neo stood inside a very sketchy warehouse, looking at a large drawing board that had multiple drawings of evil schemes. Most of these drawings were scratched out, or had a large X drawn over them.

Roman: "Muhahahaha!! This is it Neo! I finally have the perfectly diabolical plan to deal with those brats!"

Neo raised an eyebrow as she pulled out her speech sign.

Neo: "Another one?"

Roman: "I've been thinking about this all wrong Neo! Those girls are far too clever to fall for simple traps. I mean, look how they avoided my extremely clever and simplistic trap last week!"

Quick flashback to one week ago...

Roman snickered as he set up a pitfall trap in Beacon's courtyard, then placed a large covering over the giant hole. Adding the finishing touch, he placed several banana peels to cause someone to slip right into the trap.

Ruby: "Ugh, what is with that essay from Port's class?"

Roman gasped and quickly dove into a large bush close to the trap. Ruby, Weiss, and Hawk were walking together along the path, each nursing their sore writing arms.

Hawk: "A five paged essay that needed to be written during class. What did we do to deserve that kinda punishment."

Weiss: "You two are exaggerating, it wasn't that bad."

Roman started holding his breath in excitement as the three were about to step on the banana peels.

Weiss: "Ugh! Look at this! Who would carelessly leave these banana peels on the ground like this?"

Roman's excited face dropped as the three stared at his banana peels with disgust.

Hawk: "Shameful. Treating Beacon property in such a way."

Ruby: "Good thing you noticed these Weiss. Somebody might have stepped on them and gotten severely hurt."

Ruby picked up the banana peels, glancing around but not finding a garbage can around them.

Ruby: "Here, lets put them out of the way until we can grab some garbage bags to throw them out."

Hawk: "Good idea Red, I'll call my father and ask if we can go into the maintenance area for the bags."

Ruby tossed the banana peels to the side, towards several large shrubbery before the three turned around and walked away. Roman stared in frustration that they avoided his trap, stomping out from his hiding spot.

Roman: "Oh, come on! Seriously! How nice can people beeeee!!!"

Roman was so frustrated, that he stepped on a banana peel, causing him to slide across the ground and fall into his own pitfall trap.

Present day...

Neo: "You really stepped into another failure that day."

Roman furriously scratched out the pitfall sketches on the drawing board, spinning around to look at Neo as she tucked her speech sign away.

Roman: "But this time will be different Neo! I've finally figured out the perfect way to take down little Red. Ready?"

Roman dramatically grabbed the bottom of the board as Neo watched with anticipation. Roman flipped the board around to reveal a drawing of somebody sitting at a work desk. The person was wearing rectangular glasses, had a pencil tucked behind his right ear, and held a tablet in his hand.

Roman: "The Author!! This strange individual has an incredible power of making anything happen by writing it! So... we will steal his source of power and use it to finally defeat my enemies!"

Neo placed the back of her hand against her forehead, acting faint at this incredible plan. Roman eagerly rubbed his hands together, and peeked out the window.

Roman: "Speaking of him, it appears the first part of the plan is about to begin."

At that moment, the Author was strolling down the street while in deep thought as he stared at his tablet. Roman and Neo exchanged a smirk and leaped out from the building. The Author barely had anytime to look up when he found himself suddenly locked in a giant metal box. Roman laughed at his success as he held up the Author's tablet and pencil, while the Author angrily glared through the eye hole in the box.

Roman: "No hard feelings Author. But I'm taking the reigns for a little while."

Author: "Roman, I wouldn't mess with that if I were you. It is beyond your level of control."

Yet, Roman ignored him as he stared at the tablet, watching words magically write themselves as things developed. Roman grinned and took the pencil and begun writing, causing the blue tablet to suddenly turn red.

In a flash of light, Roman the All Powerful stood tall. His bowler hat turned gold, with red dust crystals embedded around it as a crown. His old clothing transformed as well, becoming something more respectable for his new power. His trench coat turned gold, expensive jewelry appeared on his fingers and around his neck.

Roman the All Powerful: "HAHAHA!! Now this is more like it! I can feel the power coursing through me!"

Neo had been fanning herself to no avail, fainting on the spot to the almighty power of Roman. The Author rolled his eyes from inside the metal box.

Author: "Yuck! Cringy name Roman. And seriously, making Neo faint?"

Roman the All Powerful: "Silence Author! You no longer have any power! Now bear witness, as I finally defeat little Red and her friends!"

As more of his power flowed into Roman, the Author managed to gather the last of his strength to perform one final act. Ending the chapter.

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