Episode 10

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The entire Chibi cast raced around Beacon in a slight panic, everyone trying to find any trace of where the Author had vanished to. Deciding to break off into teams, Ruby, Ren, Nora, and Blake searched Beacon's courtyard.

As they did, Hawk, Weiss, and Yang had gone down to the streets of Vale, going to the Author's regular coffee stores, libraries, and other places he frequently visited.

As they searched the ground, another team comprising of Jaune, Pyrrha, Sun, and Neptune were inside of an airship that was being piloted by the Shadow Author, flying across Vale in hopes of spotting some clues. But no matter where they searched, they couldn't find a trace of of the Author.

Disheartened from the lack of results, the groups reunited at Beacon's courtyard to discuss what to do next.

Ruby: "We've searched everywhere! Where could he be?!"

Weiss: "Ruby, you have to stay calm. Now isn't the time to-"

Sun: "Of course now's the time to panic! The Author is missing! Are we supposed to keep working without a script?! Who's going to write chapters for Son of the Branwen now?! And what about The Silent Howl?!"

Ren: "The backlash alone from the fans would be enough to put all of us out of the job..."

Nora and Yang gasped at the thought, as Jaune dropped to his knees in despair.


Neptune grabbed Jaune by his shoulders and begun shaking Jaune in a panic, both of them screaming in terror at each other. Ruby began to run laps around her teammates, until Yang lifted her off the ground, tucking Ruby under her arm while Ruby's little legs still kicked in a panic.

Shadow Author: "Everyone! Get a hold of yourselves!!"

After slapping both Neptune and Jaune to stop their screaming, and he then grabbed Ruby and set her down on the ground again while making sure she stopped trying to run. The group watched with held breaths as the Shadow Author materialized a chalkboard, with a rough chalk drawing of the Author's face.

Shadow Author: "Alright! Let's go over what we know. Team one, report."

Blake: "No signs of him in or around Beacon. Not even the professors have seen him."

Ren: "Though, I checked in the cafeteria and some of the students mentioned that they overheard the Author say he was headed to Vale."

The Shadow Author rapidly scribbled the information on the board as the two relayed it, nodding his head as he underlined Vale.

Shadow Author: "Good, that narrows things down...somewhat. Teams two and three, you were at Vale, what'd you find?"

Yang: "Well, he hasn't been seen in any of his regular stops."

Hawk: "And I called Junior's bar, and nobody's seen him there. My sisters insisted on going back down to Vale. Hopefully they find something that we missed."

Jaune: "We didn't see a trace of him from the sky. What are we going to do?!"

As the Shadow Author furiously scribbled down the notes from the teams' information, he paused to wipe his brow, accidentally smearing chalk dust on his face. Ruby, Yang and Nora quietly snickered before receiving a scolding glare from Weiss.

Shadow Author: "It just doesn't make sense. He couldn't have just vanished into thin air. The only lead is that he went into Vale. Who could have-"

A sudden bolt of lightning blew apart the chalkboard, blasting the Shadow Author backwards into the other students. A maniacal cackle drew their attention skyward, to see Roman and Neo floating on a giant metal box.

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