Episode 9

487 13 1

Beware the Boredom

Weiss was sitting at her desk, intently studying the material that was covered in Professor Goodwitch's class. Hawk, Blake and Yang had left the room before she started studying, the three having received a weird message on their scrolls, and went to investigate.

Suddenly, Ruby kicked open the door, taking a few steps into the room and looked at Weiss.

Ruby: "I'M BORED!! Entertain me."

Weiss: "Can't right now. I'm studying."

Ruby's eyes went wide before she started to sulk, looking at the ground as she twisted her foot against the floor.

Ruby: "Yeah, I, I know you're busy, that makes sense. I don't have anything else to do, whether you've got stuff to do, that's fine."

Ruby walked over to her bed and began to search through her belongings, hoping to find something to do. A few moments of silence went by before she glanced over her shoulder, looking at Weiss with a hopeful look.

Ruby: "After you're done, uh, would you wanna hang out?"

Weiss: "I'll be at this all night."

Ruby became crestfallen at the response before grabbing a book of her own, hoping to distract herself. Ruby started reading it, sitting on the edge of her bed, then moved to the edge of Weiss' bed, then laid on the floor with her feet up against the wall. No matter what she did, Ruby couldn't stay still. She began scooting herself across the floor, looking up at Weiss as an idea came to her.

Ruby: "Maybe we can study together?"

Weiss: "Ruby, I really just need to focus."

Losing her patience, Ruby jumped to her feet and then jumped onto Weiss' table. Weiss let out a surprised scream as Ruby began flopping on the desk like a fish.


Then, Ruby passed out from mental overload, as Weiss stared at her leader with confusion and concern.


Team JNPR were in the process of an intense and highly strategic exercise... playing tag. Pyrrha snuck behind Jaune, who was crouched inside of a bush but part of his hair was sticking out. Pyrrha grinned as she reached in and poked Jaune.

Pyrrha: "Tag!"

Jaune jumped out of his bush, watching Pyrrha run one direction. However, he noticed Nora's leg sticking out from a nearby tree. He quickly ran over and tapped Nora's leg as he ran by.

Jaune: "Tag!"

Nora pulled her leg up, poking her eyes out of the tree to look for a target. She noticed the Shadow Author, who seemed to be in a state of panic as he ran around to keep the shadow characters in line.

Then, Nora spotted Ren sitting calmly on a bench with a book in hand. Nora ran along the tree, flipping upside down as she hung from the branch above Ren. She excitedly booped Ren on the nose.

Nora: "Tag, you're it!"

With that, Nora catapulted herself away with the assistance of the tree branch. Ren's eyes widened at this sudden acquirement of new power, as he stared at his hands.

Ren: "I'm... it?"

A sudden burst of motivation struck Ren, as he became determined to become the best at the epic game of tag. Tying on a white bandana, he knew he must begin his training. Push-ups, sit-ups, meditation, meter running, gymnastics, and even levitation (fan provided).

Under the watchful gaze of Ruby, she oversaw his training since the beginning. For his final test, Ruby had him enter team RWBY's room. Ruby had decorated the entire room to fit the atmosphere, and tied a bandana of her own around her forehead.

Ruby: "Time for your final test, my pupil. Begin!"

Ren closed his eyes and began to catch peppermint candies with chopsticks, balancing on one foot as he deposited them into a bowl. Ruby slowly bowed her head in acknowledgement.

Ruby: "You're ready."

Ren grinned in excitement and rushed out of the room, nearly running over Autumn and Summer just as the sisters entered the room.

Summer: "Candles? Incense? Shaded blinders over the window? Ruby, what's going on?"

Ruby: "Training my apprentice."

Autumn: "Ren? Apprentice? Ruby, this is serious! We need-"

Ren: "Tag!"

Nora: "Tag back!"

The three girls ran over to the window, moving the blinds to look into the courtyard. Ren was laying on the ground in a daze, as Nora cheerfully skipped away.

Ruby let out a sad sigh, pulling a hankie from out of nowhere to dab her eyes.

Ruby: "And he had such promise."

Summer grabbed Ruby by the shoulders and spun her around, becoming slightly frantic as she shook the poor girl while becoming more hysteric.

Summer: "Enough! Stop the comedy skits! Cut everything! The Author is missing!"

Autumn: "Sister, please! The 4th wall is broken enough without your help."

Summer let go of Ruby, who stumbled back and forth with a dazed expression. Autumn pushed herself between Summer and Ruby to speak more calmly than her sister did.

Autumn: "Hawk, Weiss and Yang have been searching everywhere. Spring and Winter are looking for Jaune and Pyrrha. Ruby, when you finally can see straight, go grab Ren and Nora. We will meet back here to put together a search party."

With that, Summer and Autumn sprinted out of the room, while Ruby held her head in hopes of stopping everything from spinning after Summer's outburst.

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