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At first you didn't believe it. You thought it was your thirsty mind playing with you, but as the notes started rolling along with his hips, and his mouth slowly released words of a song, you knew you were right.

"Whispered something in your ear,
it was a perverted thing to say,
but I said it anyway,"

This was indeed your bodyguard, Jung Jaehyun in the flesh, spending his free day at a hybrid strip club, dancing shamelessly in handcuffs and a blindfold, in front of his own boss, who was just as shamelessly devouring the sight with her eager eyes.

"Made you smile,
and look away,"

His baritone voice rose every hair in your body as he slowly stood up, his bound arms moving excruciatingly slow,

"Nothing's gonna hurt you baby,
as long as you're with me you'll be just fine,"

The dim lights, soft as moonlight, danced along his skin.

"Nothing's gonna take you from my side,"

His dance ended as he kneeled back, staring ahead at you. He could probably see a shadowy indication of your presence, as he nodded his head towards the tray. You couldn't help but wonder how many times he might have done this.

You felt a sudden grudge against anyone and everyone whose hands had touched that porcelain skin.

You removed your gaze from Jaehyun for a second to look at what was laying in front of you. Among the collection you spotted a glistening pocket knife, probably for cutting the rope.

As you lifted it, the soft light glinted off it's edge and fell on Jaehyun's face, and a sly smile graced his lips. You stood up slowly, more panther now than human, slowly approaching your prey. As you moved you could feel something in the air, an exhilarating force, pulling you towards him. Apparently he could feel it too, his tail was twitching and his body was inching towards you, only held back by the rope around his hands.

You felt such an excruciating rush through your veins, seeing the object of your admiration wrapped like a present in front of you. He kept his gaze locked on you even if he could barely see you, as you moved around and straddled his kneeling form from behind. Jaehyun groaned as he rolled his head back onto your shoulder. He was so, so close.

You lifted the glinting blade, and instead of cutting the rope, you pressed it on the vast expanse of his neck spread out in front you. His breath hitched as he drew his lower lip in between his teeth.

You dragged the blade slowly down his neck, admiring the way his veins were expanding and contracting, until you reached his white shirt, soaked with sweat. You hooked the knife under his shirt. You could feel Jaehyun holding in his breath. You bent forward, placing a single heavy kiss on his neck, before ripping the shirt in half in one stroke.

Jaehyun gasped, and moved to take off his blindfold but you were too quick for him, stopping him from removing the only thing that separated your identity from being known. You knelt back near his ear, whispering, "Let's keep that on, okay?" Whispering was your only choice, you couldn't speak in case he recognized your voice.

Luckily for you he wasn't suspicious, only turned on even more. You could tell by the way his boner was threatening to tear through the tight black clothes of his pants. You hummed to yourself as you ran your fingers on the black fabric covering his thighs, he probably wore this to work too...

"The rope," he grunted hoarsely, "cut the rope," but his voice stopped when you placed the blade back on his neck. "Okay," he whispered. Lucky for you, he seemed to understand you weren't the speaking type.

At least not tonight.

Leopolitan  [Jung Jaehyun NCT, 18+, Bodyguard AU, Hybrid AU]Where stories live. Discover now