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It was a week since Jaehyun became your bodyguard. His cold gaze hasn't changed but he does his job extremely well so you didn't mind.

However there was something in his manner that kept confusing you. Was it a sixth sense you had as a result of being part cat?

Maybe he's got a dog, you thought, maybe that's what irked you. But just in case, you decided to do some snooping online. And then. You were caught by surprise. And not by what you saw. But by what you didn't see.

For a man as good looking and competent as Jeong Jaehyun you expected something, anything to turn up online. Something from his social media, hell even his school. But no, nothing.

Just slight mentions of his name in the companies that he had worked in before. It heightened your suspicion but you guessed he was just not that social. If you had nothing to do, this mystery would have occupied you to no end but luckily as a CEO you had plenty of work.

It was another late night, you were returning home after a long session at the broadcasting station, Jaehyun sitting at the opposite side of you in the car. You were deadbeat after the tiring day of work, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Suddenly the car screeched to a halt and you saw something stagger in front.

"The hell is someone doing jumping across the street in the bloody dark", your driver was clearly agitated as he tried his best not to swear.

Jaehyun was out in a second ready to check on whoever hit your car, when you looked out of the window and saw a red tail. You immediately jumped out of the car to help the hybrid before Jaehyun could reach it, you couldn't let a human see another hybrid, there's no telling what they would do.

The hybrid had fallen on your side of the car, so you had enough time while Jaehyun and the driver maneuvered around. It was a female fox hybrid, luckily her ears were hidden but the hit had caused her skirt to ride up revealing her red tail. You quickly yanked her skirt down before glaring at her.

"You want to live don't you, please be fucking careful" you hissed as you pulled her up.

By then both the driver and Jaehyun had come around, "Ma'am I'll take care of things, you can return to your seat," Jaehyun said while the driver also nodded his head, but as Jaehyun moved towards the hybrid two things happened.

First, Jaehyun suddenly winced and recoiled, his nose scrunching before he bent down wincing in pain, mumbling "Ugh I sprained my ankle," or something.

And second, you felt the smell of the fox hybrid's heat wafting through the air clearly. That explained why she was stumbling through the streets at night, she was on her heat and you knew how crazy that could drive a hybrid.

You completely forgot about Jaehyun as you helped the girl into your car, "Let's see what we can do to patch you up okay," you whispered.

You had a soft spot for any other hybrid and secretly tried helping others as much as possible. The fox hybrid was a few years younger than you, it appeared.

You guessed it was her first 'heat', explaining her confusion. Luckily she trusted you and accompanied you into the car.

"She's hurt, I'll take care of her at my place," you told Yuta, your driver as he opened the door for you. You stepped in after her, while Jaehyun climbed in from the other door, his face looking pained to say the least.

"Ma'am, are you sure you can trust this strange woman? She doesn't seem to be too hurt, we can give her some taxi fare and let her be on her way," he asked, his voice coming out at an odd pitch.

"It's fine, Jaehyun, I'll take care of her, she's a young girl, she shouldn't be stumbling around drunk at night", you said, "but is your ankle alright now?"


"Your ankle, you said you-"

"Oh yeah it it's kind of bad I think" he winces as he stares out the window.

His behavior was getting weirder by the second and if it was any other instance you would've been mad at him addressing you while facing away, but at this point you were only concerned with getting home.

The fox hybrid had fallen asleep in between, her head on your lap. You felt a pang in your heart, remembering yourself from a few years back. You had never known your parents, your earliest memories being raised in a secret hideout for hybrids.

A lot of the hybrid cubs there caused a lot of trouble, but you were always quick to learn and understand. The lady who ran the institute was a bear hybrid, and together she and her son Johnny tried their best to help the other small hybrids, despite the law urging every hybrid to be executed.

Luckily Mama Seo taught you and the other cubs many life skills, including how to hide your identity and how to survive during heat or rutting. As you watched the weak fox hybrid you realized that not everyone was as lucky as you, and you were going to help her just like Mama Seo helped you.


Sooooo our Peach has a secret... And also MAMA SEO IS HERE OH MY GOD I LOVE HER. Johnny is the luckiest son ☺💚. Also Yuta and Johnny have been introduced, who else ?? Doyoung is my bias wrecker so he'll prolly get second lead syndrome in this fic...

Leopolitan  [Jung Jaehyun NCT, 18+, Bodyguard AU, Hybrid AU]Where stories live. Discover now