Chapter 41: The Fight

Start from the beginning

That fucker had another thing coming if he thought he could sneak past me so easily to get to my mate.

We're faltering near the Southwest, Felipe linked. There was a heavy influx we weren't ready for, wolves and vamps.

I slashed through the chest of another wolf, ripping it up enough there was no healing to be done, before heading that way. Kaden came up alongside me and as we ran through the forest, leaving behind others that looked like they had it handled, the rogues staying on our property came up alongside me as well. I recognized the one who wanted to be the Luna after we helped them become a real pack and she made brief eye contact with me. I couldn't link with her but the eye contact told me enough. She was ready to have our backs.

Thank Goddess for Addie making that arrangement.

We reached the Southwest and saw our line almost breaking. The rogues on our side growled and pushed ahead, in front of Kaden and I and jumped into the fight. Rego's pack collided with the rogues in a loud and messy cacophony of snarls, growls and howls of pain as claws and teeth sunk in.

I sprinted past the wolves and made my way for the vampires that were armed with silver blades. Several of them went down as wooden arrows zoomed past me and embedded in their chests but there was a line right behind them ready to move forward.

Kaden, Felipe and I broke their line, narrowly dodging their quick movements with the blade. I kicked the knife out of one's hands and sunk my teeth into another's wrist until he released the knife. The one I'd disarmed with a kick was taken down by a rogue and I focused on the one I still had my teeth in. I brought my paws up and sunk them into his chest, whipping my head around when his free hand reached for my neck. I caught that hand with a paw, clawing it until I hit bone before sinking my teeth into its neck until the head was barely hanging on.

I should've been ready for the next attack and I might've been if not for the tug of pain in my mind. Someone in my pack was hurt. I took a moment to identify the link and quickly discovered it was Chris. I'd placed Chris near the Southeast and that became my new destination.

The moment of distraction made me slower when the next vamp came. The silver caught my right shoulder and I yelped at the stinging sensation. A second later, I heard Kaden's growl and he jumped over me, taking the vamp down.

I knew Kaden could handle himself so I took off towards the Southeast, trying to focus my pack-link on just Chris. I had to take out some wolves and vamps on the way and the tumbling around and rolling into trees did nothing to help the stinging in my shoulder but I couldn't stop. Not when a pack-member was injured.

I got to Chris just before one of Rego's did, lunging forward and knocking the wolf off course and into a dead tree. It howled in pain as the splintered wood hit its back and I used that moment of distraction to sink my teeth into its neck, biting down hard until the blood spilled out quickly and the heart stopped beating.

Shift, I ordered Chris.

Chris shifted to his human form and winced, rolling onto his side. On his lower left back, dangerously close to a kidney, there was a blade. He removed it and winced in pain and I walked over and laid next to him.

Get on, I linked. You can't fight like that.

The look on his face told me he wasn't happy but he also wasn't going to break an order. He rolled onto my back and I waited until it seemed like he had a good hold on my fur before I took off towards the pack-house.

Thankfully, it seemed like the fighting was staying close to the border and not too close to the pack-house. With that in mind, I headed to the infirmary where Anna was waiting to receive anyone that got hurt.

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