Gravity falls it is good to be back!

Start from the beginning

Opzin: he is all knowing, seeming watching the events of history unfold from the side lines.

Goodwitch: how do you know all of this from just that sentence?

Ozpin shrugged and sipped  his coffee

Ozpin: just a hunch.

Bill: look what I can do!

He reaches his hand out and takes a nearby dears teeth out, taking them and handing them to Roman

Roman: Yo-your insane!

Bill: sure I am! What's your point?

He sent the deer teeth back and the animal ran off

Pyyhra: How? That's was so effortless!

View: he is a very very powerful individual, you can almost call him a god.

Weiss: he's insane! He even admitted it!

Ruby huffed, not wanting to believe another version of her crush was evil.

Ruby: maybe he was helping the deer! He let it go!

His hand caught on fire, but this fire didn't seem to hurt him, and it was a strange blue color.

Bill: Welp time to invade Qrow mind! Remember reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram and buy gold!

Bill disappears in a portal leaving a dumbfounded Roman there.

Qrow: invade my mind? How can he do that!

Summer: they did say he was a dream demon, maybe that is how he does it?

Tai: still, he said it so casually, like that's an everyday activity!

Yang: reality is an illusion! That's my new catch fraze!

Ruby walked slowly with the Tai as they approached a shack.

Ruby: watch out, the floating triangle could be anywhere!

Bill floated down swinging his can back and forth

Bill: yes kids watch out!

Ruby jumped and pointed at him

Ruby: it's him! The floating triangle man!

Yang stepped forward next to her sister

Yang: leave our uncle Qrow alone!

Ruby ran past yang and attempted to tackle bill, only for him to eat her and throw her back up. Leaving the red reaper dumbfounded.

Sun: that's, gross.

Coco gaged

Coco: her poor clothes!

Bill chuckled

Bill: ah Qrow family we meet at last!  Question make shooting star pine tree, I had a hunch I might bump into you!

He made a finger gun and pointed it at yang, firing and making a hole in her chest.

Yang: Ah!

Ruby: Yang!

The young girl grabbed onto her sister for dear life

Yang: I'm fine rubes.

The scene changed to two Tais standing next to each other

Tai: something ain't right here!

The second tai changed to bill, who was laughing as he held his prize.

Bill: yes! I knew you would lead me right to the code! It's funny how dumb you are!

Velvet: he can shape shift to!

Raven: is there anything he can't do?

Qrow chuckled

Qrow: be a slut, that's one thing.

The adults who heard this began to laugh, as raven attempts to strangle her brother.

Bill flies over and opens a communicator showing Roman

Roman: Bill! Did you get the code?

Bill: You bet cha! So let's see here, got a pencil? It's 34,5-

Bill it cut off by the board being shot from his hand by ruby with her sniper

Ruby: Yes! We got it, the shack is safe!

Roman: what! That's it bill the deal is off, I'm moving to plan B!

Bill: wait please no!

Roman shut off the communicator and bill screams in rage.

Bill: You! You can't even imagine what you've cost me! Do you wanna know what I'm like, when I'm MAD?

Bill grows in size until he's the size of a building, his normal calm yellow color turns into a harsh red. And he summons fire all around the group.

Blake: my god, he's terrifyingly powerful.

View: that's only  Small fraction of bills power, he is holding back.

Everyone in the room looked up at the screen terrified, if this was only a Small fraction of his power, what was his full power?

Cinder: So much power, I wonder if we could Summon him.

Ironwood: He's insane!

But, with Roman having ended his deal with bill, a portal opened up to take him away. Bill screamed in anger as he was dragged back into his reality, his plans being completely ruined.

Emerald laughed at the screen

Emerald: he went down like a chump!

View sighed

View: he is only gone for now, he'll come back, they haven't killed him yet.

Neptune: but we never got to see him in battle!

Ozpin: yes, but that is the scary part about him. He seems to never want to show his full power, but if he ever does, it will be catostrapophic.

But weirdly, the video didn't stop there.

Bill sat in his Dimension seething in anger, but his anger was stopped when a gold orb floated towards him. He touched it and it began to speak

To bill cipher
You are being invited to be the last member of the new world order in the multiverse, we hope you make the right decision and join us.


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