XXVI. "What are you waitin' for?"

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"I've learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you're with me, even when you're not by my side." - Paulo Coelho


That's not a good idea. I won't, I'm sorry. There's million of reasons for me not to say yes. Such as your being a vampire, or my real desire to graduate without any kind of trouble. If I was sure that you were my "prince on a white horse," then I would agree. But how can I be sure that you won't disappoint me again? Who on earth am I supposed to ask to guarantee your possible not breaking my heart? If only your actions would ensure me, that you're the right person for me, I wouldn't blink to say...

"Jazz, I-" Unfortunately, my speech was cut off before it had started properly. Carmen appeared in the door frame, knocking on the wooden wall next to it. She had observed Jasper at first, then, her keen eyes flew over to me. She smiled indulgently.

"I'm sorry for the interruption, cariños. The dinner is ready," the vampire announced, shortly after that, she disappeared. I nodded my head, attempting to stand up onto my feet. Jasper stopped me though, catching my forearm, looking right into my eyes.

"What's your answer, Gwyneth?" His question was almost inaudible.

"I-I... have to think about it." The biggest surprise for me, nonetheless, was the reply of mine, alongside the speed of my escape. I never thought I was able to walk as fast as I did after Jasper released my hand. My heart was replaced by a boulder, beating heavily and irregularly. Rejecting him (well, sort of) was the hardest thing to do at the time.
Fortunately, Jasper let me go without another interruption. He must have found out that the state of my mind wasn't allowing me to make any big or important decisions.

Bella had already been seated at the dining table, chatting and laughing with Emmett, who was sitting right next to her. I felt a slight needle of grumpiness stinging me righ where it hurt most. The realization, that Emmett wasn't only my Hulk-like bro" wasn't pleasant at all. The two of them kept laughing even after I sat down opposite to Bella. At first, I had been pretty determined to ignore them, then though, my grumpiness won.

"What's so funny?" Snapping out sharply, I frowned at them. Bella shook her head, while Emmett tried to supress laughter.

"Oh, nothing," Bella murmured unspecifically.

"Come on! This is all about her; she deserves more than just an official version," Emmett rejoined merrily, his golden eyes roaming from Bella to me.

I frowned even more. "Right. Are you two trying to annoy me by being cagey? 'Cause it's working."

Emmett chuckled. "Bells, are you gonna tell her, or can I?" Bella just shrugged her shoulders, therefore, Emmett continued talking: "Well, basically, your slapping Jasper made a great impression on us all. Especially on me. I was left to wonder, however, how it was possible for you to leave a red mark on his skin. Not that I'd underestimate you, Gwyn, but... you're a human."

"Obviously." Before I managed to notice, Carmen had placed a plate with steak in front of me. Having no intention to complain, I seized knife and fork.

"So, I asked Eleazar, what it is about you, that has the power to make a vampire suffer from pain. And he said he saw a hint of an extraordinary ability in you."

In that point, I choked on the piece of meat I had been chewing until then. It was a very unpleasant experience, because the steak was delicious, and Emmett had to jump up and slap my back hard to get me back to normal. Tears burst into my eyes out of the lack of air and the need to cough.
Shit. Was it a good or bad news? I apparently had an ability, which Eleazar was able to detect. Not being sure whether to start celebrating that I had finally gotten at least SOME idea about what was wrong with me, or cry over the fact that I was an official weirdo now, my hands started wiping the tears away. Before this would become even more awkward.

I'm alright..." Answering Emmett's and Bella's unspoken questions, a glass of water was given to me by Swan, so there, I swilled the cursed morsel away. "What kind of ability did Eleazar see?" Emmett then shrugged indecisively, which made me scowl at him. "Fuck, it's my life and my problem, so tell me!"

"Geez, chill. Nobody is interested in your temper burst-outs," Bella rolled her eyes over my anxiety. I breathed in to argue, but Emmett cut me off.

"We... well, Eleazar thinks, that you might be a power taker to Jasper," Cullen explained slowly, "It's similar to Bella's ability to shield herself from Edward's mind-reading. Since something like that has most likely never happened to you before though, we're not sure about it, of course. It still seems to be the most probable option."

"What do you mean by power taker?" The question was rhetorical, since I was well aware of what he meant. The important points were, that Emmett thought something like that had never happened to me before (which was exactly what I wanted the situation to remain like), and that they imagined my having the power only on Jasper. Since there wasn't anyone to read my thoughts about the dark-skinned vampire from a few weeks ago, it was safe. Well, for now.

"For a moment, you took his vampiric abilities away from him, Gwyn. Jazz wouldn't tell us how he felt when you slapped him, but it's clear that whatever you did to him, it shouldn't have left such marks on his face. It's not much, but it's all we have right now."

Swallowing hard, I put the fork down, then wiped my mouth curteously. Moving the chair back, I stood up from the table. My knees were trembling, my stomach ached and I needed to think about it... to think about everything. No, what I needed in fact, was to move myself far away from the USA, most likely to the Moon, or the Mars. There, I would get an opportunity to start a new life; without vampires, werewolves and damned, unwanted, extraordinary abilities.
"I-I need to go to the bathroom," I blurted out, running away as quickly as I could.

Covering my mouth with my palm, I rushed through a corridor, opening the doors of various rooms violently, in order to find a bathroom. The pain in my stomach was getting worse with each step I made. The urgent need to vomit came as a strong wave, that couldn't ve possibly been resisted. Fortunately, I found the bathroom just in time. Running to the toilet, I crouched over it, as I started throwing up.
I had no idea about how much time passed, since I anchored on the heated, tiled floor of the bathroom, however soon, I heard the door hinges crank discontentedly. Which meant I would have an audience. Fuck, why me?

It was awful; I was honestly ashamed of myself. Moving my head up slowly, I had shot a look at the newcomer, before another wave of sickness flooded me. This time though, there was someone to help me a little. Cold fingers touched my temples at first, then brushed over the back of my neck, pushing my hair out of my face and holding it behind.
Thanking god for that it wasn't greasy, I relaxed a bit when the worst sickness passed, sitting back onto my heels. I didn't have to open my eyes, to find out who the person, who came to rescue me, was.

Normally, I would have had plenty of things to tell him; right then though, I was grateful for being able to hold my back straight. Therefore - no matter how much I wanted to argue - I just leaned against him, my back hitting his chest softly. Jasper tensed, yet, hadn't moved for a bit.

"Don't say anything," groaning, I threw my head back, leaning it against his shoulder. The vampire huffed, releasing my hair; meanwhile, his hands ran up and down my upper arms soothingly.

"Not even that I missed you like hell?" he asked quietly, "Or that leaving you was the biggest mistake of my life."

"Alright, in that case, don't stop talking," my voice sounded weaker than expected. Shit, why did his touches have to feel so good?

"You're not going to Volterra alone," his lips touched my left cheek, "It's dangerous, that's why I'm going-" now, I felt his lips on my jaw, "with you," in the end, he left a kiss in crook of my neck, and my eyes opened in alarm.

"Y-you what?!" I exclaimed, absolutely terrified.

"You heard me," he stated matter-of-factly, therefore, I pulled away from him, turning around clumsily, in order to look at him.

"No way!" After that, Jasper raised his eyebrows at me. "You've heard Alice! The family is freakin' insane, when it comes to disobedient vampires! And we both know that you're not innocent, according to what they call the Law."

Hale's face expression softened. "I can take care of myself, Gwyneth. That's what I've been doing my whole life."

"Yeah... sure," mumbling sarcastically, I frowned, "But you've never had to face Italian lunatics who will desire to kill you simply because they can. Jasper, please, be reasonable! Edward can act like a fool who wants to get himself killed twice even, for all I care, but you..."

A smile touched his lips, once my voice faded away. I wanted to punch him, or kick him, to bring him to senses. Yet, he hadn't let me. Jasper's upcoming actions were very fast. He leaned down enough for me to feel the air moving between us. His very scent made me want to curl up in his arms, keep my mouth shut and breath in the beautiful aroma of his own. Nothing more. Just that would make me happy.
Hale brushed the back of his fingers over my right cheek and I shut my eyes closed, leaning my head to his touch.

"Wherever you go, I will follow. Even if it means passing through hell to find a paradise, I will be right by your side. For as long as you will need me," the vampire insisted huskily.

I breathed out carefully, putting my palm on his cheek. "Is... is there anything I can do to make you stay?"

"No," he stated, determined, "I've made my decision, there's nothing to discuss," his hand moved to my chin, which he lifted, as I was urged to look at him. His eyes were dark, not in a dangerous way though. Well, there was still the danger of his eventual ripping my throat, but something in his dark orbs told me that he wasn't going to kill me. At least not today.
I raised my hand too, touching his cheek, right where I slapped him only a few hours ago.

"How is your cheek, by the way?" I asked quietly.

Jasper grinned, "I've experienced worse."

"Is that so?" I tilted my head to the side teasingly, "I'll have to go harder on you then."

"I'd not recommend you to do that," Jasper took my wrists in his palms, holding them together behind my back. I found myself, being unable to move, kneeling on the floor. Right then though, as Hale observed me closely, I detected what it was that coloured his eyes with dark shades - lust. "I had actually been pretty perilous, before I met you."

"Can't imagine that, I'm afraid. Show me, so I can believe you," I griped hoarsely. Jasper growled, standing up and taking me with him. In a second, I was sitting on the closed toilet, while Hale had been kneeling in front of me, between my thighs. For once, I was looking at him from a higher point.

"Gwyneth," Jazz said my name the way only he could, "I want to kiss you so much right now," putting his hands on my knees, he lifted his head to brush his lips against mine softly. It was just a short touch, yet, it already made me feel everything that hadn't happened when I kissed Seth.

"So what are you waitin' for?"

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