IV. Leprechaun

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"Ah! Try as they will, and try as they might, who steals me gold won't live through the night." - Mark Jones


Oh my. Was I really buried in my thoughts deep enough to bump into a wall? I mean... bumping into a hot, male nerd, who'd have had his nose stuck in a book - that was one of the brighter options. He would eventually turn out into being a kind, sweet and smart person, and we would live happily ever after. But a wall? Really?! What was I supposed to do with a wall?

"Oh!" I huffed, my hand firing up to my forehead, where there would certainly appear a huge bruise from the impact sooner or later. Taking my time, I checked on the Chemistry textbook in my arms. It was still there, however, the pencilcase of mine fell down to the floor; all of the writing supplies started rolling across the floor naturally, to practically all directions. The whole incident left me praying for nobody's having spotted me.

Great. This goddammed day simply couldn't have been better. Wait, have I mentioned it started raining two seconds ago?

Suddenly, someone cleared his throat, towering over me, taking the most precious light of the shitty, cheap bulb away from me. How did I know it was him, not her? Well, there was a shadow of man's silhouette on the floor, spreading right in front of my eyes. For a woman, the silhoutte was too wide-shouldered, although he barely reached the height, which boys (or rather young men) of my age had the habit to grow into lately. I frowned and lifted my head to look up at the person. I was quite determined to send him to hell for stealing the only source of light from me, since it was obvious, that without the light, I was absolutely unable to pick all my pens, pencils and highlighters together.

"Will you be so kind and step away? I'd like to collect my writing stuff." I snapped out through gritted teeth, while lifting my chin to look up at the thief of the light. It was an asian boy, who couldn't have been older than me. He had a cinnamon-toned skin, black hair, dark brown eyes and - wait for the best - he wasn't ridiculously good looking. Really. It was a pleasant change to see someone, who suffered from acne even more than I did. That alone should have made me like him, yet, I was far too upset about the blonde bitch from Chemistry to act polite right then.

"Sure... uhm... hey," the boy blurted out nervously. "I'm Eric Yorkie, and you must be the new Irish chick."

"At first, never call me chick ever again. Second, even if I was, it would depend on what you want." My pencils were back in the case, for that, there was no reason for me to dwell in the corridor any longer. The other pre-planned destination of mine was the gym (where I was going to have a PE lesson) about which I had no idea where it was. Damn, I didn't like this Eric guy, I couldn't ask him for help.

"Whoa! Grumpy Irish girl actually got a sense of humor!" He poked me into the shoulder, while I tried to kill him with one of my most murderous glares. "Alright, that was across the line. I get it and am sorry about it. I-I was just wondering if... perhaps, you could answer me a few questions? About Ireland, I mean. And a few about you as well. I'm writing into the school newspaper and so there... it occured to me as a good idea. So..."

I grimaced acidly, about to send him to hell (this time for real), when a realization hit me. He wanted answers, I wanted to find the gym. Good opportunity to do him a favor, get what I wanted and in the same time, not to owe him anything.
"I will do it."

"You... pardon, you will?" He asked in disbelief, obviously not being prepared to get a positive reply. I could have pictured that majority of new people kept rejecting him. "That's great! What about my picking you up on Saturday, at eight? Just leave me your address and-"

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