VIII. Friends and Enemies 2/2

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  Emily was waiting for me with a huge smile plastered on her face. She hugged me tightly the moment I greeted her, which was a rather surprising move, at least from her part. Me and Hayden were staying here for a short time; I was well aware of that Emily and my aunt were slowly becoming friends. However, their friendship didn't change anything on the fact, that Emily didn't know us. She couldn't tell if we were normal, or psychotic mass killers. Well, for those who started doubting us - we weren't mass killers. It was just that Emily seemed too gullible for someone who lived in the middle of the woods, somewhere in the North of America. And since I liked her, I was worried about her.
Fortunately, I wasn't the only person in the room, who thought so.

"Emily," a deep, male voice growled from behind the dark-haired woman. I pulled away from her softly, looking up at the person.

I cannot say I was pleased that it was the same, grumpy guy from yesterday's morning. Sam Ugly, Umbly, Uply, Usely, or something like that.

"Hello there, Mr. Sam," my voice came out in a polite greeting. I would have added a smile, if only he hadn't been frowning at me.

"Step away from her," the man snapped at me warningly, his eyes burning holes into mine.

"Sam!" Emily rebuked him sharply. "Stop it, you can't act like that! She has just come back from hospital!"

"Emms, that's pretty all right. I'll handle it," I did as grumpy Sam said though, since I didn't want to end up lying on the floor, bathing in my own blood, as a consequence of that idiot's stabbing me, shooting me, or whatsoever. "Look, Mr. Sam, I understand what you're thinking. Emily acted overly cordially. If she was my wife, I would have been angry about her gullibility as well. As far as I know though, me and my aunt are not planning to rob your house."

"That's what they told you to do, isn't it? Pretend that you know nothing? That you're... normal even?!" Sam made a few angry steps towards me, for that, I stepped back.

"Fine," I breathed out deeply, widening my eyes at him. "Would you mind to explain what's going on in here to me?"

He wasn't able to supress his temper, that was probably the reason for him not to stop getting closer to me. "Do you think I'm completely stupid, girl?! You moved into my home, took advantage of my wife's hospitality, and I bet you're planning to raze my pack! So?! What had the Cold Ones promised you in exchange for infiltrating my family?!"

Alright, it was official now. I had no clue what was going on in his crazy mind.
My eyes subconsciouslly travelled to Emily. She must have gotten how confused (and scared) I was about Sam's speech, since the next thing she did was jumping between my (too small) and Sam's (way too muscled) body. I tell you, the woman must have had nerves of steel...

"Please, Sam, let her go. Can't you see how frightened she is, because of you?" Emily's voice was soft and pleading. Wait, what the hell was she doing?! She was supposed to take him down or... or something like that! Not to plead him to release me!

"But I can smell them! She has their odor all over her clothes! What if she is on their side?!"

"Honey, she's not. Trust me," Emily put her arms on his bare shoulders, squeezing them in her petite palms. She then leaned to him - and I may have heard her wrong - but beeped: "Hush, she's just an innocent human. You can't do what you did to me to her. I won't let you."

That was far enough for me. I collected the rests of my self-preservation from the floor, pulling my phone out of the pocket of my jacket. Running out from the house, I typed Hayden's number as quickly as I could, before pressing the large, green button. My aunt wouldn't pick my call though; she still had to be stuck up with the surgery.

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