XXVII. Kerouac

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"Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is "timing" it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way." - Fulton J. Sheen

It was a devastating, knee-trembling, breath-taking kiss, all under the baton of the most experienced of all the experienced men. Jasper was the creator and leader of the passionate symphony of our tongues, while I was the one who was expected to be obedient. And even though I hadn't been planning to give him an absolute power over my person, I allowed my brain to take a rest for a few seconds; my mind got lost in the special moment, therefore, it went blank. I mean completely, utterly blank... if you had asked me what my name was, I wouldn't have told you, because all I was able to focus on was my tongue, moving against Jasper's.

When he bit my lower lip teasingly, I moaned in both surprise and discomfort. Yet, I soon assumed that it was a good thing to do from him, for that it woke me up. Well, to the extent possible. Several questions wafted to my mind, with sudden motion of air around us. It occured to me, that Jasper might have moved us, but my brain was currently so preoccupied with the damned, stupid ideas, that I wasn't able to proceed a thing as narrow-minded as moving.

Hale was a vampire and as such, he wasn't growing older. Now, Bella's philosophical problem (which I had always dismissed as a "why-to-deal-with-it-now-when-I-have-whole-life-to-live" kind of trouble, by the way) suddenly got a clear shape in my head. For some unknown reason, Jasper chose me over all the hot girls that were, through ages, serving their perfectly slim bodies on a silver plate to him. Well, I didn't know that for sure, but I assumed something like that was happening, when someone as handsome as Jasper appeared somewhere.

What would happen when he would grow tired of me? As you can see, the question wasn't "if" but "when". I was pretty reconciled with the fact that I wasn't sexy, cunning or witty enough for him to keep liking me as he did right then. I might have been a "refreshing stuff" for him, after all those years he spent in a marriage with a vampire. Yet, he would leave me one day - that was a cruel reality; I had to hope that he wouldn't look for satisfaction at other women, who'd be able to keep up with him.

Goodness, that was typical me - hurtling into what I considered to be beautiful, without thinking. Heraclitus of Ephesus said, that no man ever steps in the same river twice. Now here I was, attaching myself to the man who already managed to disappoint me once. I was unteachable.

How could an average girl resist him though? Jasper Hale was such a beautiful person - both physically and mentally. I longed for my name, coming from his rough lips. I loved the way he smiled, the way he looked at me with his soft, golden eyes, the way he whispered my name into my ear. I loved the soft, chilling touches of his dexterous, cold fingers all over my warm skin. Especially when he was stroking my bare thighs...

Umm... wait up!

"Whoa!" I breathed out, pulling away from him. I found myself, sitting on his lap, my legs on both sides of his waist, straddling him. My heart was pounding, as I rested my hands on his chest, preventing him (or myself) from doing something that none of us would be all right with. My breathing heaved even more, when I discovered that he had moved us into a bedroom, and that we were sitting on the edge of a large bed.

Dangerous place. Very, very dangerous.

"You're not wasting time, are ya?" Smirking at him half nervously, half challengingly, my voice came out as a barely audible shriek.

Jasper groaned, out of which I concluded that he wasn't fully aware of what he was doing either. The moment he looked me in the eye, I noticed how extremely dark his eyes were - it was impossible to discern irises from pupils. If not having experienced it with him already, I would have started panicking. Instead though, I pressed one of my palms on his cheek, caressing it softly.

Now You See Me [Jasper Hale story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें