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Shea 🥰

"Why are you here?" I ask Michael "don't question me!" He pushes past me and once inside everyone looks at him "where's my son?" He asks Diamond "Get out! And get out now. You ain't about to walk back whenever you feel like it get the fuck outta here" Diamond says "I have a right to see my son!" He says "And I have a right to beat your ass if you don't leave my mother's house" Diamond's oldest brother steps in Michael's face "Where the hell you come from?" Michael sizes him up "From college football bum ass boy" Diamond's brother grabs Michael than picks him up and literally throws his ass outside "STAY AWAY FROM US!" He yells before slamming the door.
"You alright?" I ask Diamond"  "yes but I don't even get why he came here"  "probably to get pictures for his social media" Diamond and I laugh at her brothers remark. "Baby ima go change Jr" Diamond says "okay" I say as I sit down on the couch once Diamond is out of sight her cousin comes over by me "Sooo you Are Shea?" She looks me up and down "yes" I say "hmm why you like my cousin?" She asks "To be honest in the most politest way that is none of your business" I smile "You probably gonna leave her when you find someone with no kids and a hot body without mom tits" her cousin laughs "yeaaaah totally... like I couldn't get that right now if I absolutely wanted to!" I get up once I see Diamond and kiss her cheek "mama" Michael Jr reaches out for me"oh my gosh" we both laugh as I take him and hug him "I love you so much" I kiss his chubby cheek

He Left Us ( COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat