One Week Later

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Diamond 💔 One week later
With Michael and Shea gone, plus my mother picked up another job just to be away from me I have Jr all to myself. It's a lot of work, my boobs ache from breastfeeding, my body is lacking proper nutrition, I haven't showered for one whole week. Jr is constantly crying and screaming all I want to do is take a hot shower, eat a proper meal and get my hair and nails done. "Mama" Jr calls out. It's the only word he can say, he also waves hi and bye "Come on baby let's get you some apple sauce" I yawn. After putting Jr in his high chair I get a bowl, the apple sauce and a spoon "mama mama mama" he begins to cry "I'm going I'm going gosh give me a minute" I'm frustrated... knock knock knock "WHO IS IT YO?" I yell "it's Sky!"
"Ughhh fuuuuck!" I whisper "Sky you can't be here" I say "I haven't seen you in a week what's going on!?" She says through the door "Just go please, Shea is gone okay I just needed a friend but I fucked up my relationship with Shea" I began to cry until I hear a loud thump and then complete silence... "JUNIOR!" I yell as I run into the kitchen, Jr is on the floor silently screaming and crying "OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH SKY SKY CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I yell as I pick him up and rush to the door, pulling it open "I'll bring you it's faster!" Sky grabs my coat off the coat hanger and we leave out the house, blood is pouring from Jr's little nose, "I forgot to buckle him in I'm so stupid" As tears flow down my face sky rushes to the hospital. "Mommy's sorry baby mommy's so so sorry" I try to comfort him but it doesn't work he just continues crying. I'm such a horrible mother......


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