What did I just do?

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Diamond ♦️
I'm pissed the fuck off because Shea won't hand me my son he's MY son not hers. I don't know why she feels like he's all hers. I'm the one who birthed him and been doing everything for him not no one else. She's being an asshole I regret calling her seriously! "I want you to leave, I needa be here for my son" I take Jr but he immediately starts crying and reaching for Shea "Sooo that's what you're going to do? To OUR child? Take away his other parent? He wouldn't have got hurt if I was around, he wouldn't have to cry for 30 minutes to an hour every fuckin night if I was around, he wouldn't EVER hear the words shut up or be quiet IF I WAS AROUND BUT YOU KNOW WHAT DIAMOND AYSHER HAVE IT YOUR FUCKIN WAY! Jr is going to hate you when he grows up mark my words" Shea finally leaves but those words ate at me. "Are you okay ma'am?" The nurse walks in "N no, umm can we be discharged please?" I ask "As soon as he's done okay" she pats my shoulder "Y yes" I say sitting down on the bed holding Jr. "damn what did I just do?" I whisper to myself

Shea 🤬
"Urghhh fuuuuck" I scream, I cut the engine on taking off not looking back but deep down I'm beyond hurt, how can I do this? How can I be happy when everything is falling apart. I should've never got with a straight girl who has a kid! She ain't bisexual she's straight!!! She wants Michael there she just won't say it but I know she wants him! "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" I yell in anger "MOVE DAMNIT" As soon as I cut in front of this woman she starts beeping like crazy, coming up on my side "WHAT THE FUCK BITCH!" She yells "STAY MAD!" I yell back as I go through the red light I notice her following behind me. "WHAAAAT?" I yell "PULL OVER!" The bitch says "Ight!" We go into an empty parking lot she gets out first then I get out "What?" I say throwing up my hands "Why did you do that huh? Cut in front of me like that? You could've hit me!" She said "Ma'am I wasn't nowhere that close to hitting you so stop wasting my time goodbye" I went to walk off but she starts screaming like she's hurt "STOP!" I yell "No not until you apologize!" She cries out "Bitch please good the fuck bye" I get back into my car, the bitch tries to jump on top of my car but I back up and speed off leaving her crazy ass right where she at!
Text messages
Diamond: Babe we need to talk!!!
Diamond: please text me back!
Jada: Hey Shea how are you?
Caren: Wanna see a movie 2night?
Diamond: Shea come on
Caren: Horror? Romance?
Mommy: Baby when are you coming home?
I text my mother back and let her know I'm on my way, I tell Caren to lose my number and I text Jada to lose my number also. Diamond and I will work on us. Right now I need space that's all I know!

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