too much drama

441 18 5

Diamond Aysher 4pm
"Babe I'm ready to leave! You coming?" Shea asks "Umm Umm I want to chat with a few of my friends first" I say "Bae I don't wanna come back can we just go please" Shea asks "I'll bring her home" the guy I've been chatting with jumps in "who's this?" Shea sized him up "Khalil Bank" he smiles and extends his hand for a shake "Ok... let me know when you are on the way home" Shea goes to hug me but I back up a little, thankfully she doesn't cause a seen, she shakes my hand then leaves "Soo this your lil mans lil Jr huh? He's so cute" Khalil says hi to Jr but Jr gives him a stank look "haha looking out for your momma I see you boy" Khalil chuckles "yes he's a mommy's boy but I won't ever mind" I kiss Jr on his forehead. Soon as I turn around to see what the commotion is Shea swings on Sky, Sky dodges the hit comes back up thinking she's fine but Shea swings again connecting with Sky's jaw, she stumbles back while Shea goes to hit her again I pass Jr to Khalil and run towards Shea pulling her off of Sky as she pounds her face "STOP! STOP ! STOP SHEA!" I yell as I try to take full control of Shea, she's strong as hell "SHEA STOP!" I yell but she continues to beat on Sky, Sky finally manages to escape the blows but she kicks Shea in the face surprisingly it doesn't even affect Shea. She gets out of my arms, blood running down her face and her and Sky go full fight. "SHEA AND SKY ! STOP THIS INSTANT !" The principal and security guard finally get outside and break it up. Both Shea and Sky are bleeding "FUCK YOU BITCH" Shea yells out "FUCK YOU TOO" Sky laughs but Shea isn't laughing. She's so heated I can't calm her down. I'm scared to even try at this moment. "Let the guard handle it" Khalil says "S she she's cut up bad" I say looking at Shea "Sky stabbed her I heard" Khalil sighs "w why?" I ask "I don't know... they was coming out here when Sky stabbed her and took off. Shea came after her, what the girls are saying anyways" Khalil shakes his head "Thanks for holding him. I'll call you I got to go" I take Jr and take off after the guard to see if Shea is okay.

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