I chose that one again because I liked the wording of the question, and it would be easy to imply that that wasn't a date and we had other friends there, and hopefully I could shoot down the idea of Harry and I dating while explaining it.

"This is another funny one, that I also bet you guys didn't expect me to address. I don't mind the personal questions though, I feel like we are all family here on this channel. To answer this question, no. I hate to break your hearts again guys but I wasn't on a date with Harry, it was just a poorly timed photo that probably made it seem that way. We were actually at the movie with a few other friends, and the only reason Harry and I were separated from them was to walk to the restroom. He walked me there because he didn't want anyone walking alone since it was late at night, and so we were on our own when the photo was snapped, making it look like we were on a date. Very kind of Harry though to walk me to the restroom, in fact, all of the 1D boys are that kind. Absolute sweethearts, those boys."

I changed the topic to 1D in an attempt to distract from Harry, "Since moving to LA I've been hanging out with Liam a lot since he is one of my oldest friends, and he has introduced me to all of the boys, so there's no need for a twitter frenzy if I'm seen hanging out with Niall or Louis either alright?" I laughed. "I've become friends with all four of them, so there's no need for future speculation. But to clarify, that was definitely not a date and there has been zero dating between myself and Mr. Harry Styles."

I laughed again before proceeding to answer my final questions and wrap up the video. When I was finished, I shut off the camera and immediately imported all of the footage onto my laptop so I could start editing. I wanted to get the video finished entirely today so I could send it to the boys, since they wanted to run the video by their managers before I posted it. I spent the next two hours editing until I heard a knock at the door downstairs. I assumed it was Liam since I hadn't made plans with anyone else, but when I opened the door I was surprised to see the curly headed boy with the captivating green eyes smiling at me.

"Harry." I smiled.

"Good morning love, I brought lunch since I figured you had a busy day today with filming and whatnot." He smiles cheekily.

"You're too sweet, get in here." I said, grabbing his free hand and dragging him in before shutting the door behind him.

"You haven't eaten, have you?" He asked as he set the bag on the kitchen counter.

"Not yet, I've been too busy editing."

"Oh you've already filmed?" He asked as he began taking food out of the bag.

"I got an early start this morning, I wanted to be able to finish the whole thing today so I could send it to you and Lee." I replied.

"Well then it's time for a break, love." He smiled. "I made sandwiches and a fruit salad for lunch."

"You really didn't have to do all this, you're too sweet. Thank you Harry." I said as I wrapped my arms around his torso tightly.

"I don't mind, it gave me an excuse to come see you." He replied as he smiled down at me. "Let's eat outside, it's lovely today."

"Was Liam's car in the driveway?" I asked nervously. I didn't want to start any more drama by having Liam catching Harry and I together, because I knew he'd be upset about it and start an argument with Harry.

"Yeah he's home, spoke to him on my way back here." He replied casually as he began picking up our food to bring outside.

"He didn't ask you why you were here?" I questioned, confusion apparent on my face.

Harry lightly chuckled, "He and I had a chat the other day, you've got nothing to worry about." He opened the door and began carrying the food outside, leaving me standing in the kitchen even more confused than I was before.

"What do you mean?" I asked a few seconds later when I followed him outside, shutting the door behind me. I took a seat next to him on the porch swing and turned to face him, bringing my legs up onto the swing in front of me.

"I talked to him and told him that I was serious about my feelings for you and that I'm not after some little fling. I told him that I really care for you and he was understanding. He's not going to get mad anymore." He replied as he took a bite of his sandwich.

My cheeks heated up as he began talking about his feelings for me so openly. He wasn't really afraid to say what he was thinking or feeling and I envied that. Even hearing him be so open, I still felt nervous about saying how I felt. Maybe it was because I had never had anything serious when it came to relationships and I was afraid of rejection- okay it was definitely because of that.

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, earning a wide-toothed smile from Harry before leaning back and opening the fruit salad.

"So how was filming?" He asked.

"Pretty good, I only picked one question about each of you so I could address the situation and move on." I chuckled.

"Wait the video isn't all about me?" He asked as he pretended to be hurt, holding a hand over his chest and feigning surprise.

"Very funny." I laughed, chucking a grape at him which he shockingly caught in his mouth before winking at me. Cheeky boy.

"Are you free tomorrow night?"

"What day is tomorrow?" I responded.

"Tomorrow's Friday, love." He replied.

"I'm free tomorrow, why?" I asked.

"You and I are going on a date tomorrow." He said confidently with a big smile on his face. I chucked another grape at him, but this time it hit him on the forehead and bounced onto the floor.

"Hey, what did I do this time?" He asked jokingly.

Oh nothing, just steal my heart is all.

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