chapter sixteen

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"Girl that's so crazy! I'm so happy that you aren't though, I'm way too young to be an aunt!" Tess laughed through the phone.

"What about me? I'm way too young to be a mom!" I responded, laughing at Tess. 

"I can't believe he asked you out though! Are you excited?" She asked.

"Over the moon." I beamed, the smile on my face giving me away completely.

"You better not be more excited for your date with Harry than you are about me flying down there this weekend!" She prodded.

"Oh you're coming this weekend?" I joked.

Tess rolled her eyes before carrying on with the conversation, and we talked for a while longer before getting off the phone so I could get to work on my new video. After talking with the boys we decided it would be best to address everything in a Q&A on my channel and just mention that I was childhood friends with Liam and had become friends with Harry because of that. I obviously decided to leave out the details of Harry and I's friendship, and the fact that I lived with Liam, but a girl's gotta have some level of privacy right?

I got ready fairly quickly, leaving my hair naturally wavy and only putting on a bit of makeup. I found an off the shoulder black crop top and a pair of jeans and threw them on before grabbing my jewelry off of the counter and putting it on as well. When I was done, I went back in my room and opened my twitter to see hundreds of notifications filled with questions since I had tweeted about doing a Q&A today. I scrolled through and took screenshots of several, making sure to only pick one about Liam and one about Harry, that way I could address the situation and move on.

I sat down to film and answered a bunch of the easier questions like how I was doing, if I was enjoying LA, and other simple ones first.

"Liam Payne was in your home tour video, are the two of you living together?"

I chose this question specifically because I felt like if I mentioned us living together and then explained that we were just childhood friends, that it would seem as if the answer was no. I know, I know, lying is wrong and all of that stuff, but I could have it out there that I was living with Liam Payne without the world going into a frenzy over assumptions about us. It was just easier for the world not to know.

"I bet you guys didn't expect me to address this one, did you?" I joked to the camera. "The truth is a lot less entertaining than I assume you all were hoping for. Liam and I grew up together as childhood mates. You all know my brother, Alex, who passed away a few months ago. He and Lee were best friends growing up and have been close their whole lives, and so Liam has always just been like another brother to me, nothing more. I'm sorry if that isn't the answer some of you were looking for, I know that you guys have been going crazy on twitter saying we're living together or we're dating, I even saw a tweet saying we were married in secret!"

I cracked up at the thought of Liam and I being married before continuing, "There isn't anything going on between the two of us though. We're just old friends who reconnected after Alex passed, and we've been hanging out since I just moved to LA. Liam only helped me film because I hadn't finished filming yet when he came over one day. What a kind lad he is, don't you all agree? Anyways, that's the whole story there."

I moved on to a few more questions before finding the question about Harry that read, "There was a picture circling around of you and Harry Styles at a movie, were the two of you on a date?"

sign of the times | h.s.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora