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BONUS POINTS!  Now be honest with yourself and don't cheat!  Let's go!

+Seven points if you liked Gaster.
-Seventeen points if you disliked Gaster.

+Twenty points if you liked Temmie.
-Fifty points if you disliked Temmie.

+Eighty points if you thought of the sweaters as whatever you wanted.
-Five points if you thought of the originals.

+Ten points if guessed she'd be from Horrortale before she went to Red in the closet.
+Six points if you guessed any other dark AU such as AsylumTale!
-Twelve points if you guessed any other AU.

Let me know your point totals!!!

I had fun with this book and I hope you enjoyed this fun, little book!
Have a nice day or evening now!


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