Chapter 5

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"Okay, fine.  Whatever."  Sci read the letter he was given.  After a minute he slowly looked up.  "Huh.  A date with the devil.."  Fresh teleported Mikaela and himself into the background and Sans stood confused.

"So uh..what're you gonna do?"

"Obviously, I must go."  Sci determinedly looked up.  "If I don't make it back.
"T.e.l.l   E.d.g.e   h.e.'s.   h.o.t."

"No.  What the FRENCH TOAST we just talked about this!"  Sans sighed heavily.  Fresh cutting out the curse words and Mikaela giggled at the replacement of them.  Once Sci entered the kitchen, Fresh went off to spy on Geno, the Underfells, Reaper and literally anything else.  Meanwhile, Sans went to knock himself out from everything he heard at the party and Error came out of the kitchen annoyed.  He approached Mikaela with the same demeanour.

"What's up, Error?"  She questioned confusedly.

"I %DE$T*ROY(ED) AL.=L T#H!E NA<PKINS.  N(OW_ I=) HAVBE NoT&IN(G) tO> D#O."  He complained.

"AW!  Well we could go breaking glasses, forks, chairs--"  Mikaela began listing different things.  And off they went, secretly destroying the place.  Everyone was in the lounge chilling, chatting and laughing.  A few hours had passed and it was getting late.  But nobody noticed.  Nobody cared to.  It's not like they had anywhere to go in a rush.  Everyone could just chill and relax...until...heavy footsteps sounded.

The smell of dried blood filled the room and silence entered with it.  Everyone turned to a shadowy hall.  Geno, Reaper, Blue, Stretch, Fresh and Error all watched with humour at Sci, Edge, Red, Sans and Papyrus.  Mikaela finished pinching Reaper's drink for a moment (another new one again) and turned around also.  A red glowing eye was fixated right on her body which was on the floor beside Reaper and the couch that had Error on.  Sci, Edge, Red, Sans and Papyrus shook with fear at the bloodlust looking.

Dominant.  Demanding.  Bloodlust.  Fear.  Death.  It all sent shivers down their spine.  The figure came from the shadows.  It was a Sans with a cracked skull on his left side and a red glowing eye--never blinking-- in the left socket.  His right socket was completely empty and hollow.  He came closer.  His eyes glowering and intimidating anyone, (the mentioned above fearful skeletons) and daring them to cross his path.  The five skeletons shook, six skeletons watched amusedly and Reaper checked his phone.

"Yup, pick up time."

"Sorry to bother the party."  The skeleman chuckled menacingly.  "I'm here to pick up what belongs to me."  He explained with a sinister, never fading, unendingly terrifying, grin.

"Horror!"  Mikaela jumped into his arms and he caught her perfectly.  She snuggled into the hug as he adjusted her so she was being carried bridal style.  "I thought you and Papy were coming to the party!"  She whined.

"Something came up, my treat."  Horror apologized.  "Papy found a new herb for cooking.  But we weren't sure if it was poisoned, so we spent a while searching all the plant and herb books we could lay our hands on."  The skeleton explained.  "So we tried it."

"It was poisoned?"  Mikaela guessed.

"It was poisoned."  Horror nodded.  He then eyed the fearful five.  "Are they bothering you, sweetflesh?"  He glared them down.

"Not at all, Horror!"  She kissed his cheek and giggled.  "You've got Edge and Red from Underfell,"  She introduced.

"Hi.."  They greeted in sync.

"Sci,"  She introduced.


"And the Classics!"  She finished.

"HELLO!"  Papyrus greeted.
" 'Sup."  Sans greeted.

"Pleasure."  Horror nodded.  "This is mine."    He kissed the top of her head.  "And I'm taking her home."  He finished.  They all nodded.

"Later, my broski and duddette!"  Fresh waved.
"Thanks for coming, Mikaela, and sorry to hear about that plant, Horror."  Geno chuckled.

"Me too."  Horror grinned and chuckled.

"B--YE&."  ErrRoR huffed.
"Bye Mikaela!"  Reaper waved.
"BYE HUMAN!"  Papyrus waved cheerfully.  Mikaela giggled.

"Bye, guys!"

"S-See ya, Mikaela.."  Sci and Red spoke in sync.  Then looked at each other and blushed.
"BYE, HUMAN."  Edge nodded.

"BYE MIKAELA!"  Gaster called from his mushroom corner.

"Bye again, everyone!!!!"  She waved and called over Horror's shoulders as he carried her back home.

"Have a good night, Mika?"  He questioned with a softer smile.

"Yeah!  It's a shame you weren't here to enjoy it though!"  She complained.

"Yeah.  But now you're not gonna be poisoned."  Horror chuckled darkly.

"Wow!  That would be killer."  She giggled.

"Did I axe you?"  He laughed.

"You didn't!  But I've got a bone to pick with ya!"  She began poking his cheek and did not stop.

"Alright, Mischief.  Let's see how long you last with that endeavor."  He chuckled.  She chuckled with him and continued to poke his cheek for the rest of the night last night...she fell asleep in his lap.  "Heh...thought so."  He chuckled when he thought she was asleep, but she sleepily mumbled.

"Damn your patience with me..."  She softly purred.  His throat began to rumble in reply.

"Love you too, sweetflesh."

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