Chapter 3

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Mikaela grinned cheekily.  Her Sans locks himself in the closet whenever he's upset.  She knocked twice.  "NGH!  GO AWAY!"  Red yelled angrily.  He sounded...drunk.  Mikaela giggled.  She had to tell her Sans this too!

"No, Silly!  You're supposed to say:  'Who's there?'!"  She giggled.

"M-Mikaela...?"  His voice trailed off confused.  Why would a human like herself care about him?  "W-Who's there...?"

"Tale!"  She giggled excitedly.  She was so excited to tell this joke to someone.

"Tale who?"

"Not Tale 'who' but Tale 'what'!"  She corrected!  "Try again!"  She laughed.  She heard a light huff of a chuckle.

"Tale what?"  He questioned, oh-so-daringly.  She smirked deviously.  She noticed the door wasn't actually locked, it was just closed tightly.

"HORRORTALE!"  She swung the doors open and jumpscared the skeleton.

"GAH!"  He jumped, yeeting the empty eggnog cup over her head.  She fell to the ground in laughter.

"PFFFT!"  She sharply inhaled.  "BAHAHAA!"  She cracked up, snorting here and there.

"JESUS WOMAN!"  He tightly gripped his chest, where he would have a heart.  "DON'T JUST SCARE ME LIKE THAT!"  He reprimanded.  She calmed down her giggles.

"S-Sorry!  I've just been dying to tell these jokes again!"  She snorted.  She didn't see his red hued cheeks in the dark of the closet.

"Tch.  You've got some bad humour then..."  He softly growled.

"S-Sorry, Red.  Bad taste."  She happily sighed, finally calm from her own laughter and his reaction to her joke.  "So,"  She sat next to him in the closet, pulling the doors shut.  "can I axe you about it?"  She titled her head at him.

"Ngh."  He grumbled.  "The alcohol numbed some things so...there's that.."  He sighed, as if the alcohol numbing things makes the situation any better.  Mikaela sighed, but she was on a roll and she actually, kinda wanted to help the red skeleman.

"Look, I'm not saw how these things go in your AU, but in my AU, when Sans and Papy fight, they usually try to set things right with each other."  She shrugged lightly, unsure of what to say or do.  "Honestly, I don't care if you want to talk about anything or not, I just want to know if you want to get whatever your feeling off your chest."

"Oh, no no no no no!"  He growled.  "We're NOT doing that weird, feelsy shit you idiots and nerds do!"  He rejected.

"Well that's mean."  Mikaela jokingly smirked, crossing her arms.

"OH, AHAHAHA! IMAGINE THAT!  THE GUY FROM UNDERFELL!  "MEAN"! "  He quoted.  Mikaela cringed.  She struck a nerve.  She did not mean for that.  Another reason why she's not very social...she doesn't have very good social skills anyway.  "SO RIDICULOUS!"  He continued.  "Do you want to know what mean is!?  MEAN is walking out your front door and watching a monster getting stabbed and KILLED on your front lawn!  Because he was 'TOO WEAK' "  Mikaela said nothing.  She knew yelling was probably helping him.  He continued, "MEAN is walking down the street and having monsters watch you closely.  Because you're the brother of the 'GREAT PAPYRUS!  HEAD OF THE ROYAL GUARD'  and you know they want to KILL you!  But they can't!  Because of your brother!  BUT DAMN!  Do they want you DEAD.  And you're terrified!  But you can't tell anyone!  Because that's what weak monsters do!"  He trembled, teary and upset.  His soul hurt so bad.  He sniffed.  "And you go to a stupid party to gather intel of everyone and...they're just, RELAXING!?  No threats, or fronts or walls to hold up...just alternate versions of yourself and your bro...j-just...joking and having a good time..."  He sniffled again.

✔ Undertale, Christmas Party x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن