The Yellow Hider

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For a big scary huge vanny car thing, it was really cozy! It was like I was sitting on my pillow at home, only it was WAY bigger with seat-belts. AND GUESS WHAT! I didn't have to sit in a car-seat at all, and I still got a window seat! Though I couldn't really see anything out the window....cause it was dark. I mean really really dark! Like so dark that I would need my nightlight at home to sleep, because this was the type of dark monsters liked to play in. Not that I was afraid of monsters, I just didn't like creepy weird things in my bed at night. Cause you know I'm all asleep, and I don't wanna play. 

"So Jaycee, mind telling me about that truck?" The fox man asked, and I felt my lips get all tight and hard. I didn't like talking to this man, he was weird. Plus I think he's eyes were glowing this creepy brown color that monsters have, I didn't wanna talk to a monster. Especially because it'd hurt the feelings of the monsters under my bed. I don't talk to THEM at night, so I shouldn't talk to HIM either. Shifting in my seat a little, I shook my head at the man. "Why not?" He asked, but I shrugged. Mommy would say it'd be rude to call someone a monster, and Daddy always said it was a bad thing to rude. "Look kid, I don't have time for your games." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose. I shook my head again though. I wasn't playing any games! I just didn't want to tell him about the truck man. I don't play games with night monsters anyway. 

"Listen to me. Those monster almost killed your daddy. Now I want to know why the same monsters that hurt him, tried hurting you." He demanded, his voice hard. Just like Daddy's was when he got all soldier mad, and told me to do push-ups, but that was only when he came home sometimes. Like when he came home after Mommy went to the Military Base a lot of times, cause she thought he was in danger. I usually listen to Daddy when he got this hard scary voice, but this was different. This man was creepy, and a stranger. Daddy said not to talk to strangers...or get in their cars...but I think this was okay. I mean Princess was here, and she wasn't a stranger at all anymore. Well..maybe she was..cause I forgot her name. Oops. I still don't think Daddy would be too mad, these soldier people said they knew maybe they aren't that strange. But..these guys didn't feel the same way Daddy's soldiers did..they were scary. Almost just like bad guys. Daddy would be mad if he knew I was with a bunch of bad guys!

"Listen brat!" His voice brought me out of my thoughts, and I looked at him for a moment. "The Tooth Fairy was nice." I responded bluntly, and he closed his eyes. Mommy closed her eyes like that too when I wasn't being crystal clear with my words. "The Toof Fairy wouldn't hurt Daddy cause he was a nice fairy." I found myself saying, as I looked at the window towards the stars. They were always so glowey..and sometimes if you stared too hard they'd go poof and vanish! "He didn't glow like a fairy though, or was very quiet. He was a good hider though. I think he was just special." The words tumbled from my mouth, and I smiled softly to the sky. "I hope he doesn't get in trouble for smashing the pool, it wasn't his fault." 

The fox man just grumbled, obviously not getting what he wanted from me. I didn't care though, he wasn't my super...only Daddy was my super and Mommy too. Uncle Epps said that supers can be scary but caring, and no matter what a super is someone you'd do anything for. I think Daddy was a better super then Mommy, mostly cause Mommy wanted me to wear dresses and I'd never do THAT for her. I'd do it for Daddy though, but he's never asked me to. That's why I like Daddy as a super...and I think Uncle Epps like Daddy being his super too. 

A bunch of static noises came after that, and everyone in the car got real quiets. Like hunting quiet..I wonder if they were gonna go hunt rabbits. Probably not. We were gonna see Daddy. I don't think we'd go hunting Daddy's. 

"Sir. We have contact." A voice came over the radio, and I rolled my eyes. Well duh! If they didn't have contact, hows they suppose to talk to Mr. Fox and Princess? Grown-ups can be so silly. Though Mr. Fox didn't think it was funny, he pulled out his phone really quick and started talking in a bunch of jumbles. NBE 1, Sector 7, Pentagon, Aliens..stuff like that I guess. I hope it made sense to the other guys, cause right now I was confused. Especially since they were going and naming shapes again. After a few minutes, Mr. Fox got off the phone and ordered the driver to keep going towards the cord nuts. Dunno what cord nuts are, but they sounded cool. I wonder if they tasted good like peanuts?

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