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I heard Daddy before I saw him.

"You! Car-theif!"

That was the first thing I heard him say.

He was mad. I could hear it in his voice again, and this was his really really mad voice. It was like the one from before...when he almost shot someone. 

Was he fighting with Mr. Sims again? 

 I began to wiggle around, trying to turn so I was facing away from Rabbit and towards Daddy. 

What if he was mad at Bee! I had to make sure he wasn't mad at anyone important!

"Careful." Rabbit hissed, moving his hands so it was easier for me to move. Rabbit even stopped walking too! These guys were really nice. I hope Daddy wasn't yelling at one of them.

I needed to make sure he didn't yell at any of them! It wasn't there fault! 

Once I got turned around, my eyes widened. This street was broken a lot too. The buildings were fallings and the ground was all in pieces too. Everyone was here though..a lot more people were just standing around and not fighting. I guess the mission ended..and now I just gotta find Daddy again. 

It wasn't hard to do that either! He was just standing too in front of the truck Sam's girl had been driving and I found Sam's girl right in front of Daddy! She looked a little like a puzzle right now though and Daddy just looked really mad.


"Where is Jaycee?" Daddy demanded, almost grabbing onto the girls shirt, but Bumblebee put his hand in the way. He's legs were still missing but he wasn't asleep.

 "Kid's gonna be okay." Bee answered, but Daddy wasn't having it. I could tell because he just glared at Bee all mad like. "Don't you pull that with me. Where is she? I left you two in charge of her."


That was Uncle Epps, he was walking towards Daddy fast now, especially when Daddy began to grab onto Bee. "Calm down man. She's probably fine." He began, holding onto Daddy's shoulders as he pulled him away. "THAN WHERE IS SHE?!" He spat at Epps, before brushing him off. "What did you do with her?"


Daddy was gonna bring the guns out again. He was gonna start another mission, but he couldn't! This one just ended and they bad guys are gone! We can't have a war with friends! 

It had to stop.

I began to tap on Rabbit's hand fast, pointing towards Daddy.

He was mad at Bee! I couldn't let that happen! I couldn't let him shoot Bee! They were gonna get a war again! 

"I'M....H-HERE!" I coughed, trying to hold myself up as Rabbit began to walk towards Daddy.

I saw Daddy's face stop being a scruncity, as he turned away from Uncle Epps and Bee to look at me. His face was happy now...well sorta cry-ey actually but it wasn't mad!

I stopped it! I stopped Daddy!

"DADDY!" I grinned, wiping my eyes as I held out my arms to him.

"Oh. Jaycee." He whispered, reaching out to grab me but Rabbit pulled me up high really fast...like stomach flip fast. I hadn't felt a stomach flip since I went to the fair on a boat ride! It was enough to make me loose my balance and fall into Rabbit's hands.

"She's fine. A few minor scraps and some energon burns. Nothing too serious, but you'll want to refrain from touching her until I can clean her off." Rabbit admitted, bringing me back towards the ground slowly. I think he thought it was safe, that Daddy wouldn't touch me..but it didn't work.

Jaycee Lennox *Bayverse Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now