The Silver Hider

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Maybe I should've told them that Mommy didn't like me playing in allys. She said they were scary and dangerous...and every movie ever can tell you that. Kid's are always getting beat up and taking into allies in the movies! They just weren't nice places to be in.

Though I guess it was too late for that now...cause Bumblebee was already gone. I couldn't even hear that truck anymore.

Everything was just screams and loud crashes.

I don't think my super drove me far enough away...not far enough to where I was safe like Daddy wanted. She was gonna get in so much trouble! Daddy was gonna yell at her and scream, all in his big scary voice. She was suppose to get me safe, but she left instead. Her and Bumblebee both did! So I guess that means Bumblebee was gonna get in so much trouble too than.

But that wasn't very fair, Bee wasn't even the driver this time! He didn't do anything bad!

He was good, and good guys shouldn't get in trouble!

They were good!

I..I couldn't let Bumblebee get bad! He'd already been hurt enough today by those meanies and didn't need to be hurt more.

Though how was I gonna stop him from getting punished? Sam's girl was the one who left...she was suppose to keep me safe...but now she can't..and I'm not gonna run back to follow her.


Never ever again. Not back to all those screams.

Not that I was scared!

It's just...just..Daddy..yea Daddy! He's back over with all those screaming and fighting. He'd see me for sure and than Bee would be in really really big trouble.

So going back was bad. Very bad.

But if I didn't go back, how were they suppose to keep me safe? They couldn't do anything if they aren't here.

Oh this didn't look good. I need to get safe, but I can't without them and they're gone! Bumblebee is doomed and it'll be all my fault.


I could safe..all by myself!


If I could get safe, without Daddy knowing I was alone in an ally..Bee wouldn't get in trouble! It would all be okay!

I just had to get away from all this.

And the only way to do that..would be to get out of this ally...but I couldn't go the way Bee went. No. I'd get back to all the other way was the way!

The mission was dangerous..this ally is dangerous and that way was the way away from both!

I could be safe all on my own! Daddy's gonna be so happy and Bee will be good! Everyone's gonna win.

Just like good guys do.

Just like the movies!!!

Just as soon as I take the first step.

But I can't...

What if they never found me? What if I ran away so fast and hard, that when Bee came back..I would be gone? I would be stuck here with all these meanies and crumbly buildings.

M-maybe I should just stay here...


I couldn't!

Bumblebee was more important! He'd find me! I know he would and if he couldn't..Ironguy could! I mean he did find my Daddy.


Jaycee Lennox *Bayverse Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now