Chapter 12 The Letter

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Spot's POV

As you may know I like y/n Kelly. I'se has fancied her ever since the strike. She's got a fire in 'er ya know? But there was one problem. Anthony Racetrack Higgins. So afta I tried ta kiss his goil he came lookin' for me. He asked me what happened so I may have twisted the truth. I mean the kiss part was true except I'm the one who did it. I remember sayin' that and then Race started hitting me and I woke up in my room with my boys around me. I couldn't move very well. My stomach hurt real bad and I couldn't move my leg. I had ta talk to y/n just to see if she was okay. One of the other newsies here in Brooklyn told me Race soaked her when he got back to 'Hattan. That scared me and I'se is neva scared. I wasn't thinking of how it could hurt her. All I was thinkin' was what can I do to make her my goil not Race's. I had one of my messengers write a note ta her and it said

Dear Y/N Kelly,

I heard about Race. I'm sorry to hear it. I really need to talk to you. The other Brooklynites told me Race soaked you. I need to know if it's true but I won't believe anything until I see you myself. I care about you y/n and I think I owe you an explanation. Also you may be wondering "How does Spot know how to write so good?" I don't. I'm having my messenger Bucky write it for me. Anyway I just need to know you're okay and we need to have a little chat. I am formally inviting you to Brooklyn for a weekend's stay in the kings suite. The king's suite is what we call my room. Of course I'll be sleeping on the floor though. I hope to see you here.

Much love,

The King of Brooklyn Spot Conlon

That was the letter I sent her and I had all my newsies runnin' around like crazy all week to get ready for her ta be here. I still couldn't walk though so one of the real big guys had ta carry me whenever I needed to go somewhere. Then the big day arrived.

Your POV

Spot sent me a letter saying he needs to see me. I guess word got around that Race tried to hit me and then words were twisted. So now I got Spot thinking I got soaked. When Bucky the messenger from Brooklyn came to give me the letter he told me Spot couldn't even walk he was that bad from Race. I had a few days before my stay at Brooklyn so I made sure Jack, Skittery, mush and Specs knew where I was going and how to get a hold of me if they needed me or if I needed them. Then the day came and I made my way to Brooklyn. When I lived out in Santa Fe with my father he taught me how to steal things. On my way to Brooklyn I saw this real pretty purple pimp cane and I thought maybe Spot could use this for his leg. He likes purple right? so I took the stick and ran to Brooklyn.

Love,Hate, Papes: A Mush Myers X Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now