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Can't manage to write 'Kayla Voltaris-Sendaris' at the moment. I've had this idea stuck in my head though.

Yes, I do know that title is the exact same as the one in 'Kayla Voltaris-Sendaris'. It has nothing to do with the fanfiction.
(Taria's P.O.V)
We gathered around a table in Galleous' workshop, waiting for the report on Sylvanas. She had gone missing after the battles had stopped, and a team had been sent out to find her. Thalleous was sitting in a chair, leaning on the table with his head in his hands. Galleous started pacing the room.
"That isn't going to help find Syl," I said to Galleous.
"And sitting around here doing nothing isn't going to help either!" He shot back. I stayed silent. He did have a point.
"Um, hello? I hope I'm not interrupting anything. The search team has come back.." the messanger said, but was cut off by Thalleous. He shot up out of his chair and turned towards the messanger.
"Where are they?" He asked desperately.
"I'm getting there. They are making their way here now." As they said that, two Felinas and two humans appeared around the corner of the workshop's doorway. They looked absolutely exhausted from all of the traveling they had to do.
"Where's Sylvanas?" Galleous asked before his brother could.
"Uh, I'm afraid she.." one of the humans said and took a deep breath, "we didn't find her."
"What do you mean 'we didn't find her'," Thalleous hissed.
"She's still missing. We searched all over Ardonia, but we couldn't find her. There wasn't even a trace of her left behind. She's completely disappeared." The news hit me like a wave. It was crushing to know that our best friend, Sylvanas Sendaris, was still missing. She had completely disappeared off of the face of this world. We had already known she was missing, but I had really thought that this search team would find her. I sat down in a chair and put my head in my hands.
"I'm going," Thalleous said in a low tone, stalking out of the room. No one dared to stop him.
"You and your team can leave now," Galleous said quietly. They left quickly, as to not get caught on any emotional waves coming off from us. Galleous came up behind me and soothingly rubbed my shoulders. I could tell he was upset as well, by the way he was shaking slightly.
"Thalleous? Where are you going?" Galleous asked, taking his hands off my shoulders.
"To find Syl," he responded in a low tone.
"Look, if a search team couldn't find her, what makes you think you can?"
"I won't know until I try."
"Fine. Good luck I guess."
"See you around you two." And he left. Galleous continued to rub my shoulders. I leaned back in my chair, causing him to remove his hands before his thumbs got caught between the chair and my shoulders. He then leaned slightly over the chair and rubbed my arms.
"You feeling better now?" He asked. I nodded, I did feel a lot calmer. Galleous had a talent for that.
I eventually got up, and he hugged me with my back against his chest.
"Where are you going?" Galleous whispered in my ear.
"I don't know. I just feel a bit restless," I replied quietly.
"I could make you less restless." I blushed a bit. Yes, we did have a bit of a thing going on, but was it ready to get that far yet? "Don't worry, Thalleous isn't here. No one besides us are here." I didn't know whether to take up his offer or not.
"Would it be a good idea?"
"It's your choice." I felt myself wanting to take up his offer now, but I was still on the fence about it. I gave in and turned around to face him. Galleous gazed into my eyes, and then I kissed him. It was quick, because Galleous had started moving to take me to his room.

We made it to his room and I laid myself on his bed. He hovered above me, then started kissing me with lust and passion. I kissed back with just as much lust and passion as he did.
The rest is history.

The first ever chapter in Taria's P.O.V. I'm pretty happy with it.

I won't write out what they did, unless you guys really want me to. Or you could just leave it up to your imagination.

Hm, I guess I did do something about that. (In Taria's bio it says that she has a relationship with Galleous)

Believe it or not, I don't actually regret this.

Comment if I should make a chapter in Sylvanas' P.O.V in the Great War. I'll have to think up of how/why she went missing.

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