New Beginnings

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This is long. Could be split into 2 parts, but oh well. It's in one.
The light was almost blinding. Was he dead? His vision slowly came about, revealing a Kaminoan medbay. Two of the long-necked Kaminoans were in the room, one leaning over him as they noticed him waking up. He could hear their voices, but they didn't make sense. None of this made sense. Then he suddenly gagged and tried to sit up right, but the Kaminoan that was leaning over him pushed him back down and gently removed the tube that was down his throat leading to his lungs. They had an oxygen mask in their hand, ready to put it over his face if he stopped breathing without the machine. He gasped as he took in the air of the medbay. He got a better look at the Kaminoans; one male, one female. They tried to speak to him, but words still didn't make sense to him. He was remembering. Remembering what had happened. Fox shot him right in the heart. He put a hand over where he got shot and felt his heart beating strongly underneath. He was trying to tell Rex and Skywalker something. The inhibitor chips. He traced his scar with a finger, the scar being short as he had it extracted rather than surgically removed. Wait, scar? He didn't remember it healing over fully. He had the bacta patch still on it when he talked to Skywalker and Rex. What happened?
"Who are you,?" The female Kaminoan asked him, making him nearly jump out of his skin as the words now made sense.
"ARC-5555," he answered. "Fives."
"Memory retained. Where are you?"
"Uh, Kamino?" Fives really hoped that he didn't get this question wrong.
"Memory is definitely retained. Who am I?"
He looked at the Kaminoan. "Nala Se?"
"Correct. Do you remember what happened?"
"I got shot. I had discovered the inhibitor chips they put inside us clones. I was apparently a threat."
"Little to no memory loss. Now, I will tell you why you are here. Yes, you were dead. But, we have a new future for you. You are to stay here on Kamino, recieving weekly injections of midichlorians for six months."
Fives looked at Nala Se. "What do you mean?"
"You are to become our experiment. No harm should come to you if you comply and if your body doesn't reject the midichlorians. The midichlorians themselves are modified to enhance one's midichlorian count. We just need to see if they wear off, or if they stay."
He almost wished he was dead again. He was an ARC trooper. Now he's going to become some lousy experiment? How far can one fall? "What happens if my midichlorian count does increase and stay?"
"Master Jedi Shaak Ti has been notified about the experiment. She is to train you if you become force-sensitive." Throughout the whole explanation, right from the start, Nala Se's expression never changed.
"Well, since I have nothing better to do and I can tell you won't be allowing me to return to the 501st, I accept becoming an experiment."
"We did not need your consent. You are Kaminoan property."
Fives frowned at that. "When do we start?"
"Now," the male Kaminoan stated and passed Nala Se a syringe. She took it and readied it to be put into Fives' most prominent vein on his arm. He winced and looked away from the needle. He felt it prick his skin. It stayed there and he dared not look at it. Fives almost swore when he felt it come out. He was about to look over to the bacta patch that was being pressed onto his arm, but after a few heartbeats another syringe went in right above the patch. Fives felt his stomach drop. This time, they were taking blood out.
"Previous midichlorian count was non force-sensitive. Midichlorian count has increased but is still non force-sensitive. On top of that, the added medication has deactivated accelerated growth genes. Note down the date. AZI-3, escort ARC-5555 to his new quarters," Nala Se instructed and studied Fives' results. Fives sat up and stood. His legs almost collapsed and he gripped the railing on the medical bed.
AZI-3 helped Fives walk to his new quarters, no matter how many protests he made about the droid holding his arm.
The quarters were bigger than anything than he had previously been in. It also looked like it was padded on the floor, probably just in case he did become force-sensitive and throw a trantrum. Fives very much doubted he'd become force-sensitive. He was honestly a bit shaken by the results Nala Se stated. His midichlorian count had increased. He really didn't want to become force-sensitive, because that meant having more training and on top of that a lightsaber. Fives gulped as he remembered seeing Cain's lightsaber for the first time, its brilliant indigo colour illuminating the dark room. He had never seen a colour like that before and it had amazed him. But Cain managed to injure himself with it in his first lesson using it. Fives remembered the wound. It was bloody and looked like an extremely bad burn and was on his leg inconveniently. Fives didn't want to go through that.
AZI-3 left Fives alone in his new quarters, giving him plenty of time to reminisce about the past. He missed General Skywalker, Cain, Rex and Ahsoka. He didn't know how much time had passed since he was killed and then woke up, but he guessed that the Clone War was still going by the looks of how many clones were being trained.
Cain. Fives did have murderous intent towards him when he saw Cain slip and and use the Force in front of him. But he had stopped having those homicidal thoughts and had come to reluctantly accept that Cain was sporting a huge crush on the older guy. Fives knew they could never get together with the gross seeming age gap, if someone went by Fives' chronological age, and the fact that Cain never took his helmet off. Fives had only seen his face a handful of times but he really did look like General Kenobi.
And just like that, Fives found himself thinking about Cain. Again. He had other things to worry about.

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