Chapter 28

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Chara's POV

A Few Days Ago

I am sorry Nix, I love you, I say through our link as I feel the life drain from me.

In the darkness I see a bright light and then it consumes me causing me to close my eyes. When the light dies down, I open my eyes and look around. I am in a room of what looks like a castle. There are high ceilings with gold designs swirling around the ceiling and walls. In front of me a few steps leading up to a chair or I guess I should say throne. There are intricate details of shinning gold and sparkling silver dancing across the throne. Sitting in the throne is a beautiful woman and I freeze. I am pretty sure I died so, where am I?

"Hello Chara," the woman's melodic voice greets me.

"Where am I?"

"You are in the Immortal Castle. I live here," she replies.

"Why am I here? I am pretty sure that I died."

"Yes and no. your body on earth is showing the signs that you have died, but your soul is here with me, resting. Once you are ready, you will be sent back to earth."

"How is that possible?"

"You have many gifts Chara, one of them in immortality. Whenever you experience life threatening injuries where a normal person would die, you will come here to heal and then be sent back to earth."

I nod, taking in the information, "Who are you?"

"I am Fay, Goddess of Immortality and Healing."

"Why aren't you with the other gods?"

"They know I like to keep to myself and I do not wish to take sides."

"Okay, when will I be able to go back?"

"They will say goodbye to you, once that happens your will go back. You must know that time works differently here. When they say goodbye, you will go back immediately in this time, but on earth it will be about three days."

"Oh no, will I be there in time for the war? I was never told when it was going to happen."

"I am not sure; I hope you will make it and help your friends and family."

"Me too. Do you know if they were able to release my dad?"


"Yes, I was supposed to release him from Valanter, but I died before I could make it there. Did my friends find him?"

"They found him, but did not release him," I give her a confused look, "When you died, he was released. The gods tethered his stay in Valanter to his youngest child. When the youngest child died, he would be released, and the gods hoped that him losing his child would be heart breaking for him."

"So, they tethered his prison to my life without knowing that I am immortal, and I can't really die?"

"Yes. The other gods also didn't plan on you being more powerful than them. This means that if you did find Valanter, you would have been able to get him out."

I nod in understanding. I really hope I make it back before the war starts to try to prevent it. I still haven't been able to take with my mother; I hope she isn't anything like how Palama described her.

"Hey Fay?"

"Yes Chara?"

"Do you know Shalhalla?"

"Of course, I do, I know all of the gods."

"What is she like?"

Fay sighs, "She is not to be trusted Chara. She wants you dead, you must use the element of surprise at the battlefield. She is the evil from the prophecy, not Aluca."

The Great ProphecyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora