Chapter 6

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Before I know it, Daniel is waking me up, the sun shining through the window. I am disoriented at first at the unfamiliar surroundings, but then remember I am in a hotel.

"Wakey, wakey. We have to leave now to make it before nightfall. Come on."

I groan as I get off the bed and put on a pair of jeans and a flannel. I make sure everything is still in my bag and we head out. We swing by a grocery store to buy some granola bars and sandwiches to bring with us. We walk through the forest as the sounds of animals and birds fill the silence. After three hours we take a break. I sit down on a rock and grab a granola bar. Daniel takes a seat next to me. I wonder what Daniel is, I think he is supposed to be my guide.

"Daniel, I meant to ask. What are you?"

"Well, I am what is known as a guide. I help other supernatural beings fulfill their destinies when I am chosen for the task."

That's cool, "How do you know when you are chosen?"

"It's a ringing in my head and the name of the person I am supposed to 'guide'. I don't get any other information until I meet them. Guides can tell everything about their mission once they meet face to face with who they must guide."

"When did you find out about me?"

"About a month ago I heard the ringing and your name. I was lucky because I already knew you from school, so the next time I saw you in math class I knew what I had to do."

I stand there in silence processing, that is so cool!

"I know, pretty pathetic, isn't it?"

"Not at all, I think it's awesome! I mean you get to help people, it's your destiny." I thought helping people would have been my destiny, but it seemed to take a turn.

Daniel smiles, "Yeah, I guess it's pretty cool."

We continue to make our way towards the safe house and my legs are killing me. Two days of constant walking is something I am not used to. By six in the evening, we walk out of the forest to see a huge house. I turn to Daniel, confused as to why the safe house is so big.

"This place is huge, are there others here?"

"Well, yes. This is a student house."

I am even more confused now, "A student house, who are the students?"

"Well, this is not exactly a safe house per say, it is student housing for the school of magic called Scholam Enim Donatur. Which is the School for the Gifted in Latin. I stop in my tracks in front of the big house, I remain silent thinking about how I am going back to school. Wait, I'm going back to school!

"Daniel, I am attending this school?" I ask, confusion and a hint of anger in my voice to mess with him.

"Um," he stutters, "well, you see. Um..."

I roll my eyes, "you know you could have just told me. I love school."

"You are on weird one, huh." He chuckles.

I laugh, "the weirdest."

We walk into the house and enter a grand hall. There is a chandelier and a very open room with stairs to the left leading to the second floor. I can already tell I will get lost in here if I am not careful.

"Hello!" Daniel calls out and I swear I hear his voice echo off the walls.

A girl comes running down the stairs with a lot of energy, "Hi, I'm Alana! What's your name?"

The Great Prophecyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें