Chapter 3

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We came out of the black smoke in front of a suburban house, "Where are we Cade?"

"A place to relax and sleep. We should be safe here," Cade opens the door and walks inside.

Should be? Well that makes me feel a whole lot safer, I think to myself and I hear a chuckle in my mind.

I go into one of the bedrooms and sit down on the bed suddenly feeling exhausted.

Cade comes in, "Goodnight Chara, see you in the morning."

"Night," I reply.

Zane comes into my room as I grab a granola bar from my backpack. "So are you going to explain what happened earlier? I know it was you," I whisper to him.

I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to startle you. We just needed to get out of the underworld quick. The longer you stay there the harder it is to get out. Eventually you might as well be considered dead because you will never be able to get out without Aluca personally letting you go.

"Okay so what are you? How can you talk to me?"

If I tell you, you can't tell anyone else alright. You have to promise, Cade especially cannot know about this.

"I promise I won't tell anyone."

Alright, I am a Chimera which is a supernatural being that can shape-shift into all kinds of animals, but my true form is much more intimidating. I can talk telepathically with gods and other telepaths.

"So, what does that mean? Am I a telepath?"

Chara, you are a goddess, a daughter of two gods actually. You are the one who is supposed to bring together all of the gods.

"Or tear them apart," I mumble, "Wait you are telling me I am a god? What? Okay wait," I take a deep breath, "Aluca said I was going to tear him down by helping the other gods, why would he say that?"

I think he is scared to no longer be feared and to be accepted by the gods. I'm not really sure though. Do you want to know who your parents are?

"I think so yes should I prepare myself, is it bad?"

I wouldn't say bad, but I would prepare myself if I was you. It helps that you already know a lot about the Malan folklore.

I nod and take a deep breath to prepare myself.

Your mother is the goddess of the elements which makes her one of the most powerful gods out there. Your father is a bit more...complicated. He is the banished god. He's the god of the night. The gods have always thought he would betray them and help Aluca take them over. He was banished before the gods thought he could do anything. Just before he was banished, he got to witness your birth. That necklace you wear says your name in Malan, your mom gave it to you before she had to leave you with John who isn't really your uncle.

"Wow, I can't believe this; I am a god?"


"So, my parents are," I think for a moment, recalling my book, "Shalhalla and...Noc?"


"Cade doesn't know any of this. He doesn't know what you are?"



I don't think I can trust him. I was supposed to be with you; however, your uncle didn't want any animals in the house. I was relieved to find out your best friend was a Glara I took the opportunity.

The Great ProphecyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora