Chapter 20

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After power practice we all meet up in the front of the school. I decide that when I get back to the dorm and I am settled in, I will try to contact Daniel. First, I need to ask Liam if I can bring Talia and Killian on his land to pack up my stuff.

Hey Liam! I was wondering if I could bring Talia and Killian on your land to help pack up my stuff.

Of course you can, no need to ask, I trust you.

Thank you, Liam, see you soon.

I drop the link and see everyone making their way over.

"Hey guys," I greet.

"Kate! What's up?" Jared asks.

"I just wanted to know if Killian and Talia wanted to come with Jason, Nix, and I to the pack house to help me pack up my stuff to bring to the dorm."

"That would be awesome! More exploring earth!" Talia exclaims.

I laugh along with the others, "come on, let's start walking," I tell them. "We will meet up with you guys afterwards," I tell Jared, Lina, and Mikhail.

Talia, Killian, Jason, Nix, and I walk towards the pack house. I grab Nix's hand as we walk. I think I felt a tingling sensation, but just as quickly as it came, it left. We walk in silence except for the occasional gasp of admiration coming from Talia whenever there is a flower or animal that passes by. Zane trots beside Nix as we walk. Soon enough we are at the clearing where the pack house is.

"Woah," Talia says, mesmerized.

"I know right?" I say.

We head inside and we are greeted by Liam, I see both Talia and Killian flinch at the sight of him. Why?

"Ah Kate, how are you?"

"I am good thank you Liam," I hear a gasp of shock come from Talia and Killian.

"So, this is Talia and Killian?" he asks gesturing towards them.

"Yes," I state.

I see Talia bow her head slightly as she speaks, "King Liam, it is a pleasure to be in your presence."

Killian does the same, "We are honoured to meet you King Liam."

I am so confused right now and by the looks of it, Liam is as well.

"What's going on?" I ask to no one in particular. They are acting the same way Zane did.

"I have no clue," Liam replies.

Killian leans over to whisper to me, "you didn't tell us this is the royal pack! We can be killed for trespassing. Demons are not welcome on royal soil."

I did not know that, "it's okay Killian, he gave me permission to bring you guys. Relax."

His body relaxes slightly, but I can still see that he is tense awaiting being killed or thrown in a cell.

They think you will kill them for being demons on your land. They apparently aren't allowed to step foot on royal soil, I tell Liam.

I heard of that before, but as long as they aren't a threat, they will be treated like any wolf that comes onto my land.

You may want to tell them that. They look petrified.


I sever the link.

"It's okay, I will not hurt you guys. I do not enforce that rule here, as long as you don't pose a threat, then you will be like any other wolf welcomed on my land."

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