"But that's so invasive! And mean!"

"Yeah, but there's not much we can do about it anymore," she sighs. "Please don't cry, Jay. That just makes me overthink things. Let's focus on something else, like...you taking your medicine." She grabs it from Cole, then hands two pills to Jay. "You can have some of the water Lloyd and I shared. Drink from the communal cup." She holds out the glass.

"I don't like this, Nya," Jay argues. "You're not going back to school, right?"

"Heck, no. Not until this whole situation dies down. Now, take your stupid pills."

"I – "

"Take the pills!" she orders. "Cole, can you drive Jay home? He's not taking care of himself."

Cole rises. "I've got this."

"I don't want to leave you," Jay complains. "Not if guys think they can just invite you to...you know!"

"Thanks, but I can take care of myself, Jay." She rolls her eyes. "Go back to the monastery and get some rest, okay? It's probably good I'm staying home from school. Somebody is going to have to make sure you don't end up back in the hospital."

"I'm not going to end up back in the hospital, I just want to protect you!"

She waves him off. "Goodbye, Jay. I'll be fine here with Lloyd and Zane. You'd better learn to get along with me, or it's going to be a long week for both of us."

He frowns. "But I do get along with you. That's not the point, Nya! We get along great, if you don't recall!"

"We get along great?" she laughs humorlessly. "Stop mothering me, then!"

"I'm not trying to, but you won't let me – "

Cole slaps a hand over Jay's mouth, and Nya stomps her foot.

"You nincompoop!" she growls. "You don't hit somebody in the face when they just had their tonsils removed!" She marches over to Jay, gently touching his face. "Are you okay?"

"I..." He blushes.

"What a mood swing!" Cole scoffs. "I was trying to get you two to stop arguing!"

Nya kicks his shin.

"Ow!" Cole yells. "How easily you forget that I actually fainted from exhaustion earlier!"

"For two minutes!" she bites out. "Now, scram. And Jay, if he dares lay a hand on you, you tell me, and I will put fire ants in – "

"Leaving now," Cole announces, dragging Jay out.

As soon as the door shuts, Nya spins around with a serious expression. "Lloyd...they're talking about banishing your father to another realm."

I feel all color drain from my face. "To...another realm?"

She nods solemnly, coming to take my hand. "I'm sorry, bud."

I sigh. "Thanks for telling me. I..." Don't know how to process this.

I don't remember much of my dad before he left me and my mom, but I recall building blocks with him and watching Barney – that one kid's show with the purple dinosaur.

But he was also messed up. He and my mom met at a high school party. Lots of drinking, drugs, and...let's just say those events were how she got pregnant with me when she was sixteen.

Nya fingers the bandage at my head. "Wanna play Monastery Mayhem on my phone?"

I groan. "I forgot about you losing my phone. Dude, I've ruined my ride and my phone in less than a week. My mom's going to kill me."

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