Chapter 10

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***Yay! A 3,000 word chapter! It's been a little while since I've had one that long for this book ;) Also, again, music isn't perfect, but it at least provides some good background noise for the mood.***

One Day Later (First Day of School)

***(Lloyd's POV)***

I'm sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast cereal when Nya finally comes out of her room. She didn't come out at all yesterday – well, at least while I was around. I basically hung out with Harumi the whole day. I was so worried about Rumi, but she seems to be doing better.

I can tell something isn't right, though.

"Good morning," I say cautiously, not sure what terms Nya and I are on.

She gives me a small smile. "Good morning."

Not bad so far. "I like the way you did your hair."

She raises an eyebrow. "I literally threw it on top of my hair and put a hairband around it."

"Um, yeah. Well." I twirl my spoon in my bowl of sugar and milk. Sensei Wu would kill me if he figured out I'd snuck unhealthy cereal into the monastery.

Nya chuckles. "I'm just giving you a hard time." She gives me a hug from behind. "Listen...about what happened Friday..."

"Apology accepted."

"I wasn't apologizing, Lloyd." I can hear her eye roll.

"Well, you were doing your version at it. You're horrible at saying 'sorry'."

"Whatever," she sighs. "Anyway, I wanted to say that...that I'm really happy for you and Harumi. She seems like...a fun girl." The words sound painful coming from her mouth.

I laugh softly, but there's no amusement in it. "We're not dating, Nya. Rumi doesn't want a serious relationship."

"You aren't?" she asks, confused.

"No. We're just going to stay friends. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but you kind of wanted nothing to do with me yesterday."

"Huh." She steals a bite of cereal from the box. "Ready for the first day of school?"

"I can't believe I'm a junior already," I moan. "This year's going to stink."

"You think you've got it bad? I'm younger than you, and Kai's made me take so many credits, this is my senior year!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You're such an old lady." I punch her arm.

She giggles. "So, after school today, you'll be ready to stop by the hospital, right?"

I nod. "What time is Jay ready to receive visitors again?"

"Four o'clock. And remember, he's coming here with us afterward."

I raise a brow. "Shouldn't he go home with his parents? He's going to be exhausted and in a lot of pain."

She frowns. "Didn't you hear? His dad has a big last minute job thing, so Cole suggested he just stay here with us. Edna's going to be staying the night, as well."

"Last minute job thing"? I guess Jay didn't tell Nya that he lives at a junkyard.

I groan. "Are you kidding me? People snore like crazy when they get their tonsils out! None of us are going to get any rest!"

"Relax," Nya smiles. "He can sleep in my room, and I'll stay in the bunkroom with you guys."

I huff. "It's never been fair that you get your own room."

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