Chapter 5

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***(Lloyd's POV)***

I tense. There's no way we're not going to crash.

Keeping a hand on Rumi's, I jump off the bike. I do my best to pull her to me so I can break her fall, but we hit the ground so fast.

The collision jerks my head back, and I see stars. Something sharp stabs into my back. As Rumi and I roll along the ground, I hear my precious motorcycle wham into a tree.

Everything spins. Everything hurts.

In the back of my mind, I hear the other biker race past us.

"Lloyd?" Harumi asks. "Lloyd!"

I groan.

"Lloyd, are you okay?" Her hands grab onto the front of my t-shirt.

"Oww," I grunt. "Please...move."

"Oh, my. You're not dead." She releases a huge breath. "You're not dead." Her whole body sags against me.


She flops to the side, and I manage to catch a breath. The fog in my head clears.

It just means more pain.

I hear a strangled noise next to me, and I realize it's Harumi. She has her hands over her eyes, and she's shaking.

"Don't cry, Rumi," I wince. I try to sit up.

She uncovers her face, and I see that she's...


I fall back to the ground. "This isn't...funny."

She can't speak for laughter.

I stagger to my feet, holding onto a nearby tree for support. "We need to get...out The other...bikers will be...passing through soon."

She makes her way to her feet, but doubles over in giggles.

Well, I'm glad one of us isn't injured.

I retrieve my phone from my pocket and hit Kai's number. I won't be able to live this down with him, but he's the closest person in proximity. Plus, he already knows I came to this party, so I don't have to make up any excuses.

I try calling his number, but it doesn't patch through.

Huh. That's –

Oh. I don't have any service here.

I wave my phone in the air, attempting to get a signal, but it's no good.

My eyes travel to my motorcycle. I slowed the speed by a lot when I got into Hiroshi's labyrinth, so it's not in terrible shape. However, the headlight is busted out, and the front is mangled. I'm not going to try driving it out of here.

"I think we're going to have to...walk for a while," I inform Rumi through gritted teeth.

She finally gets a breath through fits of hysteria. "That was awesome!"

I hold out my arms in a gesture, then feel pain shoot up my elbow.


"That wasn't...awesome, Rumi," I yell. "We could've gotten...killed!"

Every time I talk, my labored breathing makes it impossible. I need to calm down.

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