Chapter 12

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***Okay, guys! Sorry for the REALLY late update this week, but I've been busy. We're going to try for two chapters this weekend. This book should only have three chapters left, then an epilogue! We're almost done! Then, it's onto two more ten-chapter shorts, and after that...the Jaya/Kailor book! Yay!

And yes, there's a lot of Jaya in Lloyd's POV. That's the last spurt you're getting until the epilogue. I finally added "jaya" to the tags for this book, since I realized how much of the book I was actually dedicating to the ship. Whoops.

And instead of music, you get ten minutes of funny anesthetics videos off Youtube. You can't tell me Jay isn't saying or doing having that stuff, guys.***

***(Lloyd's POV)***

It was a long car ride back to the monastery – I took my bike, while Cole, Jay, Nya, and Edna sat in the earth drill. Apparently, Jay alternated between crying and throwing up every five minutes, and Nya's covered in both tears and...well, barf. That just made Jay cry more, but she shrugged it off and said she never wanted to wear that outfit again, anyway. Too many memories.

Kai's at the police station, demanding they get justice for his sister. Zane's at the school computer lab trying to get the inappropriate photos of Nya taken off various websites.

Now that we're finally back, Nya grabs something out of her dresser. "You'll be okay without me, Jay?" she asks.

She has become his guardian for the past two hours, threatening to turn off the video whenever Cole or I bait Jay with questions. We've managed to keep the camera out of her grasp – barely.

Jay whimpers. "I need you, though."

Cole helps him into Nya's bed. "The rest of us will be here, buddy. Nya just doesn't want to smell like throw up anymore."

Jay puts his hands over his eyes. "I'm sorry, Nya. Your whole room is gonna stink like it now!" His voice ends in a sob.

I pat his shoulder. "She's used to having boys around, Jay. You think she doesn't have air freshener strong enough to protect us when Cole forgets to wear deodorant? And I think stinky Cole's worse than anything that you throw up." True statement.

"Hey!" Cole exclaims. "I don't smell that bad. Girls still love me. You're just trying to make Jay feel better."

"No comment," Nya calls, sailing into her bathroom. "And can someone get Jay a glass of water? He needs to wash some of the nastiness out of his mouth if he's going to get any rest."

Edna rises. "I'll go get you a drink, Son."

"Thanks, Mom."

As she leaves, Jay snuggles into one of Nya's pillows. "It smells just like her," he sighs.

I bite my lip and look to Cole. Now that she's gone...

He sees my expression and grins wickedly. "Jay, what's the one thing you would say to Nya if you had five minutes left to live?"

He moans miserably. "In my darkest nightmares, it's not me who dies, but her. And it's like she's been poisoned or something, and she weakly calls out my name as she falls to the ground, and I catch her just before she can hit the dirt, and she tells me that I have to make my last wish so I can defeat an evil Djinn, and I say, "No! Not if that means losing you!" And she caresses my cheek and manages to say that she never wanted to be on an all boys' team, anyway. And I'm like, "No, Nya! Don't say that!" And she's trying to comfort me, but it will never work, because I can't be comforted when the love of my life is dying in my arms!" He's weeping uncontrollably.

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