Chapter 11

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***Guys, a double update! What do you know? And with Jaya in it, too! It made me cry, just a little (the Jaya, not the double update LOL).

Unfortunately, I start up college again tomorrow, and I have to work almost every night this week (literally just typed "every night in my dreams...", like from Titanic). That being said, I'll only be able to update a few times this week. Many tears! But trust me, I'm not giving up on this story :) It should be done by next week!

Also, sorry about the cliffhangers, but they make things so much more fun for me :)***

***(Lloyd's POV)***

Riding my motorcycle to the hospital, we're entirely silent. We didn't even get out of school until almost 3:45. Mystaké was literally furious.

On the bright side, Mystaké let Nya and Cole off without suspension. I think she's always had a soft spot for my friend group and me. I'll never know why.

Cole and Nya are stuck in detention for the rest of the week, but at our school, that essentially means quiet time to do homework. Nya won't mind. Cole, on the other hand? He's not a big fan of homework.

We'll see if Kai even lets Nya come in for school after this.

The two idiots who tried to proposition Nya got the same detention sentence. It's going to be fun for them, going home to their parents to explain their bruises.

I slow the vehicle as we reach the hospital parking lot. "So, Nya...I think you're still mad at me."

"Really?" she says in a fake gasp. "I don't know how you could think that. I mean, it's not like you literally believed I posed for inappropriate pictures. Oh, wait! You did."

"I'm sorry," I try. "I know it was stupid."

"You'd be right. And I'm working on forgiving you." She moans into my shoulder. "My life is over, Lloyd."

Cole pulls in next to us, immediately getting out of his vehicle and heading inside.

I look back at Nya. "No, your life's not over. If we take this to the police, I'm sure we can get the pictures tracked and taken down. You're a minor, according to Ninjago City standards, so any websites with those photos up without your consent can be charged."

"But so many people have already seen them," she moans. "I'm going to literally be a laughingstock. I found six sticky-notes in my locker, inviting me to come over know!"

I shift the vehicle into park, standing up abruptly. "Tell me who sent you those notes, and I'll – "

"Uh-huh. Get in line behind Cole. And Kai, as soon as he figures out what happened." She sighs miserably. "I think he took the afternoon off from helping Skylor to come visit Jay with us. That means he's already here. What if he's seen the photos of me already, and I haven't had a chance to explain? I'm going to be in so much trouble, and I didn't do anything!"

I give her a bear hug. "Listen to me, Nya: It's going to be okay. I'll talk to Kai for you, so he won't take his anger out on you directly."

"Really?" She looks up at me, hopeful.

"You bet."

"You're the best," she murmurs, squeezing me tight. "I love you so much."

It's moments like these when I realize the bond between Nya and me, and it scares me. What if I mess things up between us?

So I'm just going to stick with hugging her in return. "I love you, too. Now, let's go see Jay."

She grabs my hand and drags me inside. Ed and Edna texted me Jay's room number, so we head right up the stairs.

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