"Yeah," I say, trying to convince myself that she's fine. "She's safe. Perfectly fine."


Demetria's P.O.V.:

"FIIIRRREEEE!" I scream from the top of my lungs. "BURN IT ALL! DIE! HAHA!"

I am filled with glee, seeing the massive flames fly out of the gun. I smile widely, swinging the gun side to side, letting the blazes fly around.

"Take this! And that! Burn! Burn! Burn!"

"Okay, kiddo," Fox yells. "I don't want you burning the whole company down."

I release the trigger on the flamethrower and pull the face shield mask off of my face. In front of me is a dummy wearing a suit that looks similar to Father's. Instead of some normal spandex, this one has metal armor that is supposed to protect him from intense blasts. To my side is a two-way glass, where Fox stands, watching safely.

He presses the button on the control panel and speaks into the microphone. "Do you want to take a break? You've been flaming the same bat for twenty minutes now."

"We just ate," I tell him, patting my stomach. "I can go for hours!"

"I think we can conclude that the armor works," he says. "I highly doubt that your father will be getting flamed for twenty minutes straight."

"You don't know that!" I say, putting the mask back on and aiming at the dummy.

"That's why I said 'I highly doubt'. Now come on. We're finished with this one."

"Tch. Fine," I huff, watching as he presses a button, causing the area below the dummy to slowly descend out of view. "Bye, Father-dummy." Once the dummy has disappeared, I turn towards Fox, putting the flame thrower onto my shoulder. "So what am I putting up in flames next?"

"Nothing," he says, pressing a bunch of buttons, causing the small room that I am in to go dark. He opens the door, leading into the room. "We're going to do something better," he says, waving me over.

"Are we going to blow something up?" I ask him, walking towards him and out of the room.

"It can do that."

"It?" I ask him. "Did you make a mechanical animal that can work by my side?!"

"Sadly, not," he chuckles. "But I'll think about it. Come on."

Walking out of this area of the lab, we begin to walk through the hallway, leading back into the main room where I had initially met Fox. As we're making our way towards the main room, I begin to twirl the flamethrower in my hands. Twirling the flame thrower, I must have accidentally pressed the trigger because before I even knew it, the sleeve of my white shirt had caught on fire.

"Fire!" I yell, blowing onto the fire on my sleeve.

Fox turns around, his eye-widening at the fight of the flames on me. "Demetria!" He rushes over me and begins to hit the small flames with his hand, repeatedly.

"Ah! Fox! That's enough! It's gone! Stop hitting me!"

Fox stops patting the area of my arm and sighs heavily. He grabs my arm and begins to inspect it. "You have a burn," he points out. "Once we reach the main lab, I'll treat the wound."

"Wound?" I ask, looking at my arm. "Tch. Father's not going to be happy about that."

"Then we better treat it quickly before it gets worse," he says, pulling my arm. "Let's go. And give me this." He grabs the flamethrower out of my hand and carries it himself.

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