Welcome to the Subs, Operative White

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  • Dedicated to You, my fans!!

I woke to the sounds of typing coming from next to me. I patted around for Jerry, but couldn't feel him. Suddenly, I felt his hand come up and grab mine before giving it a light squeeze. I squinted my eyes open and blinked at the brightness of the sunlight breaking in through the window. In any other circumstance I would take note of what a beautiful day it was, but I just couldn't bring myself to do that today. I looked up at Jerry, who was looking down at the GPS device in his hands. He shot me a quick smile before going back to what he was doing.

"Good morning, I've been waiting for you. They've been gone for a little over an hour now." He greeted calmly while continuing to type away.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I yelped while shooting up and out of bed.

"Well, you needed your rest seeing to the fact that you were up until 2 a.m. pacing and talking to that lady." He pointed out, sending me another look.

"You knew? I thought you were asleep?" I replied sitting back down on the bed.

"You really thought I could sleep when you were up pacing? And you don't pace quietly. I already have everything packed up and ready to go whenever you are, but we might want to start going because they are going to be back pretty soon from my calculations and the information I gathered from eavesdropping." I rolled back out of bed and quickly used the bathroom. I popped back into the main room, slipped on my shoes, and was ready to go.

"Ready." I replied, heading over to the door to pick the lock.

"Already did that." Jerry announced, reaching around me to open the door. I followed him out the door and down the hall. We walked into the kitchen and looked for car keys and our stuff. I found Jerry's backpack the same time he found the keys. We walked out the back door and headed through the woods.

"So, where are we going?" I asked trailing behind him. He turned the GPS tracker towards me so I could see the general direction we were going in. We were walking into the woods for about an hour when we started hearing footsteps and talking.

"I thought you said they'd be gone for another 2 hours." I whispered, pulling him behind a tree.

"They were supposed to be! I guess something happened." He whispered back. We sat there and listened to the 2 men and lady talking. The men seemed frustrated, but the lady just seemed confused.

"We should probably hurry back. The boss wants them right now." The bigger of the 2 men announced.

"I wonder why." The lady added quietly.

"Don't wonder, just do." The second man snapped to the lady.

"Stop talking and start walking. We need to get them as fast as possible." The bigger man shoved her forward. We waited behind that tree until we were positive they were completely gone.

"Um, I think we should start running now." Jerry announced, already breaking out in a sprint.

"Why? They're gone." I asked, trying to keep up with his pacing.

"Because they are going to reach the house soon and they are going to realize that we're gone. I don't know about you, but I'd like to be far gone by then." I registered what he was saying and started speeding up. We were running for half an hour before I tripped and fell. Of fucking course. I feel like the dumb girl in horror films who trip on air while they're trying to escape the killer. Excruciating pain shot up my leg and I almost started crying, but held it in. I looked down and realized I didn't trip, it was a trap. Something was caught onto my leg. "Ela, you ok?" Jerry rushed over and tried to pry the contraption off of my leg. I screamed out in pain but he was able to do it and I quickly removed my leg before he released it and it shut closed again.

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