Do I like him? Definitely

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-Meliodas POV-

"Okay! Back to your room! All of you!" Elizabeth said and looked at me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked.

"Because I know you will do something that make me annoyed and distract me again. So you will go first!" She said.

"But if-" I got cut off.

"Captain, just do as she says." King said.

"No! I will stay!" I said and the next second, a knife was flying just mm away from my face. It was at the same height as my eyes. Then it hit the wall.

"What the hell?!" I asked and looked at Elizabeth.

"When I heard about the seven deadly sins, I thought you would be at least a little hard to kidnap, but now I know that it isn't true. That it is Mr. Stupid, stupier and stupiest instead of deadly sin." She said pointing at King, then Ban and last me.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't hurt me?" I asked.

"I said that I won't kill you. Not nearly kill you or hurt you." She said.

"And you said you didn't have a weapon on you!" Ban said.

"I said I didn't have a gun to shot him with. Not that I didn't have a knife. Now go! Before I kill you all except Meliodas who will exper a nearly death experience instead." Elizabeth said. We all nodded and walked in the room. Me first like she wanted.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I felt a little lonely when Meliodas walked away. Why did I feel that? He actually made me blush too. Do... do I like him? No, no way I like him! He is just annoying!

Then I come back to reality and saw that I was about to open the door where Meliodas and the other was. I stopped myself and walked back to my room. It was getting late, so I got ready for bed. Then fell asleep pretty fast.

I woke up to see Meliodas over me. I don't have any pyjamas because it is too hot in here to sleep in. With that, I pulled up the blanket a little more.

Meliodas eyes was black and looking at me.

"W-what are you doing?! Go to sleep!" I said.

"Sorry, but I can't hold myself back anymore." He said with a dark tone.

"What do you mean?! Go ba-" I got cut off by a kiss from him on the mouth. I couldn't help but to love the feeling. I put my arms around his neck as deepening the kiss. Then we broke apart.

"Elizabeth, I can't hold myself back anymore, but I promise to be gentle." He said and throw away my blanket.

"What do yo-" He cut me off again with a kiss and that's when I understood what he meant. We pulled away for air.

I woke up with Meliodas beside me, playing with a bit of my hair.

"Morning Elizabeth." He said.

"Morning." I said. Then he kissed my cheek.

"So want to do it again?" He asked.

"Y-yes." I said. Then he kissed me on the mouth.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"No, I said you could go harder." I said.

"But I didn't want to hurt you." He said.

"Well, next time, listen to me." I said. Then the next second, he was on top of me.

"What about that 'next time' is now?" He asked.

"Sorry, but we can't, what time is it anyway?" I asked.

"About 6 in the morning. If I know King right, he will sleep about one hour more until he wakes up and Ban will sleep until someone wake him up." Meliodas said.

"Good, make you ready for the day. You need to be with them for the days." I said.

"Yes ma'am!" Meliodas said and got off of me. Then I got up too. We both started make us ready.

"I'm ready." Meliodas said. I nodded and we both walked out of my room.

I opened the door to his room and the other two. Meliodas walked to his chair and sat down. I closed the door and didn't forget to lock it this time. I won't allow any escape. I walked out of the room, ready to take care of the next sin.

I pulled Gowther with me and in the room. He had passed out of the drug I gave him. I opened the door to Meliodas room and throw him inside.

"Gowther?! What the heck did you do to him?!" Meliodas asked worried.

"Chill out, I just drugged him, nothing more." I said.

"You seriously say 'chill out' to that?!" King asked.

"Yeah, nothing's wrong with him." I said.

"I would rather said that 'he' is the wrong with him." Ban said laughing. I gave him a death glare.

"Stop laughing Ban!" King said. I gave a death glare to King now. He went silent.

"So, Elizabeth, when are we gonna get out of here?" Meliodas asked. This time, I gave him a death glare.

"What do you mean 'get out'?" I asked.

"Yeah, like, when are we going to be free again?" He asked.

"When you are dead." I said and closed the door. What was that warm feeling? It was like yesterday. I feel lonely without him and happy with him. Why did I even said yes to him in the morning? Or said 'next time'? It won't be a 'next time', right? I will kill him, right?

I walked to my room and locked the door. I started a song and that's when I realized.

"I am not in love with him, right?" I asked myself.

"I feel warm every time I am with him. Lonely when I are not. The feeling the other day. It was..." I cut myself off.

"Definitely, I am in love." I said to myself.

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