Who is she?

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-Elizabeth's POV-

"What is it?!" Meliodas asked confused when he shoot up.

"Veronica is still sleeping and we are gonna pour water on her, are you with us?" I asked.

"Did you wake me up for pouring water on your sister?" Meliodas asked. Jelamet and I nodded with smiles.

"I am with you if you agree with something." Meliodas said, giving us an evil smirk.

"Okay, you aren't with us. You others then?" Jelamet asked.

"Yeah!" They all said.

"Okay, I am in anyways." Meliodas groaned.

"You sure? I mean, you didn't want to for one second ago." I teased. Then Jelamet was gone. She had come back with a glass of water.

"Ready?" She asked. We all nodded. Then she poured the water on Veronica. She woke up in an instant.

"ELIZABETH! JELAMET!" Veronica yelled.

"Run!" I yelled and Jelamet started running out of the house together with me. We ran about 1 000 meters before looking back and see that she didn't follow us. She didn't.

"Wow, she are so going to pay back for that." Jelamet said.

"Umhm" I responded.

"So let get back?" I asked. Jelamet nodded, then we started running back.

-King's POV-

"They are so gonna pay! And you guys will help me!" Veronica said.

"Okay, okay, chill out. It is a little water." Captain said.

"No! They are doing this every morning!" Veronica yelled.

"They? How could Jelamet do it every morning?" I asked.

"They are twins!" Veronica yelled. We all was shocked.

"But they don't look alike at all." Ban said.

" 'Cause they have different fathers, I don't know how that work, but their mother did 'it' with two men at the same day or something and she got one child of each of the mans. When the both men found out that she cheated, they both left her pregnant. She didn't want them and father adopted them both, but they don't know that." Veronica explained. We all was shocked.

"Okay, King and Diane, you will be in the bushes and tell us when they are coming. Meliodas and Ban, you will pour water on them when they are about to walk in. Okay, go!" Veronica yelled. Me and Diane did as we was told. Captain and Ban took something to have water in each.

"They are coming!" I yelled when I saw Elizabeth and Jelamet. Me and Diane ran to the bushes nearer the Captain and Ban.

When they was in the place, Captain and Ban poured the water. Then something unexpected happened. They both took a cup that stood on the ground that we forgot to move. Then they jumped up on the outside wall to a window, took the cups in the water that fell down to the ground and then jumped up to the Captain and Ban in matter of seconds.

Elizabeth stood behind the Captain as Jelamet was behind Ban. Then they poured the cup with water on them.

"Don't even try it." Elizabeth said to the Captain.

"Yeah, it will only be payback." Jelamet said. That's when Captain turned around and picked up Elizabeth.

-Elizabeth's POV-

Meliodas turned around and picked me up in bridal style in a matter of a second.

"I will give you a pay back and you are gonna loooovvveeee it." Meliodas said with a husky voice, then jumped down with me. My face started burning. He put me down and started walking to the other sins.

"School starts in 2 hours, we should get ready." He said like nothing ever happened.

"Elizabeth? You okay?" Jelamet asked. I just nodded. Then she started to pull me inside and then to our room.

"So what did he tell you?" Jelamet asked.

"He said 'I will give you a pay back and you are gonna loooovvveeee it.', what did he mean by that?" I asked.

"Ohhh, I think he has gotten a cruchhhhh on yooouuu." Jelamet tested.

"But didn't he date Liz yesterday?" I asked.

"Yeah, but maybe he is over her or something. You dated Howser yesterday, but over him now." Jelamet said.

"Yeah, but I only dated him 'cause it was to the mission, remember? Howser told some people that I was his real girlfriend and we needed to do a brake up sean in front of some of them, but I didn't know he actually was dating that Liz girl in real life. He said that he liked a girl that liked him back, but not that they was dating." I explained.

"Yeah, I totally forgot about that mission." Jelamet said.

"I am just glad I didn't have to kiss him, I want my first kiss to be with someone special to me." I said.

"Like Meliodasssss?" Jelamet teased.

"I don't like him! Plus, he is the leader of the seven deadly sins, I can't like someone like him." I said.

"Yeah, that's true." Jelamet said.

"Anyway, you are getting better and better on pretending. The only problem is that you don't look a thing like me, but that's not your fault." I said.

"I am glad. You are pretty good on pretending yourself." Jelamet said.

"Thanks, I just hope I can stop pretending soon. At first, it was fun to pretend to be the 'little weak and innocent girl that never could even kill a fly', but now, it's only annoying. It's much funnier to he the mysterious girl that just disappear time after time. The girl everyone wants to find so much, but no one does. To be the bloodstained Ellie." I said.

"I understand, it is a little annoying to pretend for me too. Like when are we going to disappear once again? Or when will this mission end?" Jelamet asked.

"I don't know, we have found the seven deadly sins, so the first part is done, it's now the fun part comes." I said with a smirk.

"Anyway, we should get ready to school." Jelamet said.

"You're right." I responded and started getting ready for school.

-Meliodas POV-

I had gotten ready and made my way to school. Once I was there, I walked to my and the sins secret meeting place. It was there we talked about our missions. One minute later or two, everyone had arrived.

"So, Captain. What did you want to talk about?" Ban asked.

"Okay, anyone knows who bloodstained Ellie is?" I asked.

"No." King said.

"Sorry." Merlin said.

"Not a clue." Ban said.

"Nope." Diane said.

"I am sorry too." Escanor said.

"I don't know." Gowther said.

"I swear I have heard about her before." I whispered to myself.

"Gowther, I want you to give me all data of her as you can get. You have to tomorrow." I said.

"Roger." Gowther spoke.

"Captain, do we have another mission?" Ban asked.

"No, I just need to know who she is and more about her." I answered.

"Have you gotten a crush on her?" Diane asked in a teasing tone.

"No, I just got to know that she wants something with us, so I tell you all. Be on your guard." I said. Everyone nodded. Then we walked away to our class.

I couldn't concentrate. The only thing I could do, was thinking with the question:

I have definitely heard of her before, so who is she?

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