Truth or Dare (requested by alisa225)

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This one is a request and I plan on lots and lots of fluff!Thanks to my ol' pal Alisa for the request.And remember requests are STILL open!

Your P.O.V

"Hey Piper!"you tell your bestie at camp.Forget bestie,you and Piper were SISTERS.

"Hey (Y/n),get over here!"she instructed,ushering you to where she,and her boyfriend Jason Grace were sitting.

Piper's choppy hair had a bright blue harpy feather in it,which contrasted completely with her CHB T-Shirt and shorts.She was possibly,the only Aphrodite kid that wore no makeup and didn't constantly wear designer clothing.

Jason's hand was laced with her's.His Imperial Gold rimmed glasses glistened in the summer light.He was also wearing similar attire.

"What's up?"you ask,trying to sound casual.

"Well,I'm going to have this game thing and you HAVE to come."Piper told you,with pleading eyes.

"Piper,you know what I say,I don't have time for..."you sigh,but Jason cuts you off.

"What are you talking about?All you do in free time is read,go on your phone or train.Or you know stalk Nico-"he begins.

You blush a bright red."I don't STALK I STUDY.Difference."you tell him,crossing your arms. Unfortunately,both Piper and Jason know about your little crush.And it was NOT amusing.

"If you don't do this,I'll tell Nico you like him."Piper said,matter-o-factly.

"McLean,are you threatening me?!"You demand.

"Or better yet,she'll charm speaks you into doing it!"Jason interjects.

"Grace,when I get my hands on you..."you let the threat hang in the air.

"Aww,she even gives the same glare Nico gives!"Piper said fondly.You glare at the couple,now realizing Piper's true Aphroditeness.

"Fine,but I'm not playing if it's spin the bottle..."you tell them,giving up.

"Even if Nico was playing?"Jason asked,wiggling his eyebrows.You punch his shoulder in response.

"Yes,well no.Its not like he'd do it.He doesn't even know I exist."you sigh,crossing your arms and pouting like a little kid.

Jason snorts."Oh,he knows you exist alright.I mean,you answer every single question Annabeth asks and then you beat Percy...well."

It was true.You beat the famous Percy Jackson.But,only once.And besides,it's only because you studied his fighting technique well enough.

"So.I answer a bunch of questions.If you have no social life you have TIME for that."you reply,bluntly.

Piper looks at you in amusement."So,you admit you have no social life?"

"No,I didn't say that.Actually,I'm more social then you.Because SOCIAL MEDIA?Hello?!"you retort.

Piper and Jason smiles,knowingly."See you at the Aphrodite Cabin,at 3!"

Though,you'd never admit it too Pipers face.You were counting each second to the game.You wear a decent looking shirt,your favourite in fact.And ripped leggings.You tame your hair as much as possible.But,hey your hair was Divergent.It cannot be controlled.

Quickly,you check the clock and your five minutes late!

You rush out of (g/p) Cabin and hurriedly explain to your siblings why your going.They all seemed taken aback.After all,you were (y/n) (l/n),you were known for not socializing.

When you open the door,there were a bunch of demigods sitting in a circle.Annabeth,Percy,Piper,Jason,Leo,Caylpso, (BFF)Connor,Travis,Katie,Pollux,Will and....Nico.

"Sorry,I'm late."you squeak.And quietly,sit down next to (BFF) and Piper.

"No worries (y/n).Only five minutes.Besides your fashionably late."she told you cheerfully.

"At least you showed up."Jason shrugged.For the second time that day,you glare at him.This time though he flinches and you smirk in satisfaction.

The game went on,Connor had to kiss Katie.Which earned a slap from Travis.

Leo had to throw garbage into the lake.(Did not end well,either)

Annabeth and Percy had to kiss in front of (Iris messages)Athena.(There were many owl bites on Percy)

And Jason had to fly around camp with a SuperMan costume.

Pollux revealed his crush on Lou Ellen.(Say what now?)

Will admits he can't sing.(Strange right?)

(BFF) tells her most embarrassing sing moment.

So far,it was only you,Nico,Piper and Caylpso who didn't have to do anything.

"Piper truth or dare?"she asked.


"Make up on your face for the rest of your life or cleaning up the stables and kitchen duty."(BFF) asks,her eyes shimmering

Piper made a face that looked like she was constipated.

"Umm,cleaning the stables and kitchen duty if it isn't everyday."she manages.

(BFF) nods and then looks at you evilly.You knew why.Piper, and she was going to ruin your life.

"(Y/n) truth or dare?"she asks,in a sickly sweet tone.

"Um,is or an option?"you ask,trying to create time.

"Chose."Piper says.

What is this?The time Tris had to chose between cheese or knife?

Truth,and you admit your feelings dare and you'd have to kiss him.

"Truth?"you squeak.

Piper sighs and looks angry."What is your favourite book?"she asks eventually.

Thank you Nike!!!!

"Your asking met to chose between my children?"you ask in desperation.

A couple of the demigods chuckle as you finally make up your mind."Um,(favourite book)"you say finally.

Relief fills your chest.Thank the gods.

You ask Caylpso.She says dare.You tell her to have 7 minutes of heaven with Leo.They leave and do as they're told.When they come back,Leo's grinning and Caylpso looks breathless.

Jason whispers something to Caylpso and she grins.Theres an evil twinkle in her eyes.

"Nico,truth or dare?"she asks.

He looks nervous,then at Percy and Jason.Then at the floor."Dare."he murmurs.

"I dare you to kiss your crush."Caylpso says with a grin.Nico pales as you look at Will,and you come to near tears.

This was cruel.And pain stabs at you repeatedly.

That's why your surprised when Nico kisses you.And let's say you were officially social.

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