Ti Amo (Part II)

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Your P.O.V
Quick A/N : For those of you who didn't like the last ending!

You sighed, rubbing your eyes.All your dreams were like this.

It wasn't summer.'.in fact today was the last day at school.

...for those demigods,that still went.Not including you,those were the demigods who had families or a home...you had neither.

To make matters worse,Nico had disappeared the whole summer.You barely spoke to anyone other than that.

Suddenly,you got a brilliant idea! (you rarely had any of those)

The Library in Manhattan was amazing,during spring break you had spent countless days there.Making good friends with the Librarian a woman named Malavika, with oily black hair, almond shaped eyes and black rimmed glasses that framed them.

Which was interesting,since you didn't make many friends.

Quickly,slipping on a black (f/b) t-shirt, an (f/c) hoodie, skinny jeans and (second f/c) All-Star Converse you walk towards Camp's borders.

The sun was out,it seemed about 10:00, you had over slept but it didn't really matter.

Fishing out, a dramacha from your jeans pocket then letting out a taxi cab whistle you await your ride.

Were you going to get in trouble with Chiron,later on?Probably.

Was this smart?No.

Was it worth enough to risk your life? In your humble opinion, yes.

All of sudden, a cab that seemed to be made out of all the pollution in the world appeared.With three old hags,at the front.

The Grey Sisters.

"Ah! Lovely,to see you again my dear!"-one of them told you.
Then they started bickering like children.

You sighed,once again.Mumbling a 'Nice to see you too'.Then, shoving your earbuds into your ears in attempt to block out their argument.

The music was so loud,it blocked out every word the Sisters were saying.The can shaking as it finally, reached its destination.

You thanked them and murmured a good bye.

You opened the door,and went straight to the (f/ genre) section.

Suddenly,you were met with a pair of chocolate orbs.It seemed do familiar...

"(Y/n) it's so great to see you!"It was Malavika the Librarian friend of yours.As over-friendly and loud as she was, she was still a pretty good friend.

Today,her hair was in a braid.Wearing a Harry Potter T-shirt and yoga pants...not your classic Librarian.

You felt a pang of disappointment, then you felt angry at yourself for feeling that way.But, you couldn't help it.

After all, you hadn't seen your crush since Christmas which was dismaying.Nico Di Angelo.

As though picking up on your thoughts, Malavika frowned.

"What's wrong?" She asked, carefully.

You shook your head, waving it away."It's just....I was hoping to see my crush here....haven't seen him in awhile..' I don't know why..."you reply softly.

She looked at you and suddenly,she looked over-joyed.Then back to normal again.'.what was going on?

"I'm sorry to hear that, dear.How about look in the Romance section?There is a new.'.arrival.I think you'll find something that will...interest you."she suggested.With that she giggled and turned away before you could respond.

You close your eyes then sigh again.Romance, just to remind me that life isn't cliché and cheesy.'.yay!

Slowly,stalking towards the Romance section you sigh.

If I Stay...read it.

Where She Went...read that too.


The Fault In Our Stars...read that too.

You groaned,at everything.There was nothing here that 'interested' you.

"(Y/n)?"someone called behind you.

Great,it's Malavika again.You think bitterly again to yourself.

But,it wasn't.Nico Di Angelo.You ran at him,tackling him to the ground.Arms flung around his neck,you sight contently into his chest.

"Where WERE you?!"you demand,though it comes out as a mumble.

He chuckles at you,bringing his olive arms around your waist.He never loved physical contact, but he seemed to make an exception.

"Looking for jobs.There's stuff I want to do, you know?"Nico asks, smiling slightly.

You punched him in the arm,as you let go.Blushing, slightly.

"Without ME?"you practically shriek, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Weeeeeeelll.No, I knew you were going to come here, sooner or later.I remember you telling me, how you loved this place.Any way, I really needed a job....and I tried many before here.I knew if I told or came back you'd yell at me like this.So I decided, YOU should come to ME.But....I DID miss you, and this place reminded me of you, so um yeah."Nico explained,his ebony hair covering his left eye.

You pull him into a hug again,sighing."NEVER do that to me AGAIN,you hear me?"you tell him.

"Maybe..."he replies,smugly.He puts his arms around your torso.

You pull away again, angrily."Maybe!Maybe?!Nico Di F-"before you you could finish,he put a finger to your lips.

"ONLY,if you do a favour for me."Nico instructed.You glared at him.

"No.You left ME for a JOB now your asking for a FAVOUR?Go use that money you earned and get someone ELSE to do it for you.I was sick and worried about you,and I love you and-"Nico's eyes widened.

"What did you say?"he asked, gasping.

Your face turned red, and you looked away."I said 'No' you idiot."you mumble.

Nico took your chin, and lifted it up.At first, you thought he was going to kiss you but, he had a boyish smirk on his face and he wasn't leaning in.

No,he was forcing you to look into his eyes."You said something else..."Nico grinned.

You just glare at him."Okay, if your sooooo smart and you INSIST that I said something else...what did I say?"you reply with a smirk.

This time,his face turns red.Completely contrasting with beautiful brown eyes...

"T-Ti Amo."he stuttered, before you could ask him what that meant he smashed his lips with yours.You gasp, but quickly kiss him back, your fingers tangled in his hair.

"Excuse me, but I hope you realize you can only check out the BOOKS not the EMPLOYEES"an annoying voice calls.

Both of you separate, gasping for hair and both a blushing mess.

It was Malavika,the librarian and moment-ruiner.

Somehow,Nico disappeared from the scene.Leaving you to get out of the awkward situation.

"I-I didn't like any of the romance novels...so I decided to write my own."you stutter.

Malavika grins at that, giving you a hug.Much like those awkward aunt-niece hugs.

"I love you!"she tells you cheerfully.You feel incredibly weird, at that bizarre outburst.

"Come again?"you ash, clearing your throat.She quickly gets off you and rolls her eyes as though,you were clueless.

"Nico, when he said 'Ti Amo' that means 'I Love You' in Italian!"

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