Alternate Ending (BoO)

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Your P.O.V (Pretend that during both the series you knew Nico and he knew you)

This is the end,hold your breath and count to ten

You watched as the earth closed around you, pulling you further and further in.Until you couldn't breathe.Closing your eyes, not an ting to feel the claustrophobia kick in.

With a final breath, you think about everything that's happened so far.How munched you loved Camp.Singing softly with (BFF) during Camp Fires.Pulling pranks with the Stolls.

And had a crush on the kid, for a while had promised yourself that of you survived you would confess.

The earth was pulling at your legs, every limb. Soil filling your ears and soon, your nostrils as well.

Feel the earth move and then, feel my heart burst again
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So over due, I owe them
Swept away and stolen all that surrounds you.A feeling you had loved, almost as the Son of Hades himself. Yet, now it was needed just a spark, a bit of light...almost as much as you needed air.

The pain in your chest, was excruciating.Your lungs, and heart working on overtime.The end.All you could hope for was, Nico to remain alive and Gaea to some how vanish.

Suddenly,air filled your lungs.And you realize your gasping.Yearning, for air.You expect dirt and soil. But, instead find oxygen reaching your lungs.

You open your eyes,and there it is.The light, you've been waiting for.

Never, in your entire life had you been so grateful for the sun.The next time, you put food into the fire, you decided you'd give a bit (more) to Apollo as gratitude.

You get up, dusting your knees of the dirt.Grinning widely, at another chance at life. Turning around, you heart throbs beating even faster than before at the sight.

Let the sky fall,(let the skyfall)

Nico Di Angelo.You tackle him in hug, subconsciously remembering his hatred of physical contact.

Strangely enough,he obliges giving you a quick hug in return.

"Thank the gods your alive!"you exhale happily.

Nico chuckles as he pulls away, raven hair sweeping into his caramel eyes.He smirks before he replies.

We it crumble

"I'm pretty sure, I should be telling you that."he sighs."Anyway, not time for chit-chat"he continues, looking grim."I don't think Leo,Piper and Jason can hold up for long."

Will, who you hadn't noticed before nods.

You sigh."Okay, care to fill me in?"

We will stand tall
Face it all together at Skyfall
(Let the Skyfall we will crumble)

They explained, the situation.Both of them, not knowing where Cecil and Lou Ellen had disappeared to.But, there were more pressing matters.

Of course, you weren't focusing completely.Nico was purposely trying to distract you by looking incredibly hot.

Skyfall is where we start, a thousand miles poles apart
You may have my number, you can take my name
But, you'll never have my heart

Then something Nico, said caught your attention.

"They're trying to destroy her,but they need something else.Maybe a bit more fuel to destroy her completely."Nico murmured, running his fingers to his already messy hair.

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